Little Thing.

145 10 19

Not an update. But I was tagged in a little something.

Thank you to whiskermethis for tagging me.

1. Do you prefer Dan or Phil? Both.

2. Do you ship Phan? Yes but I'm not a hardcore Phan shipper.

3. Are you obsessed with Dil's life more than your own? God Yes. Dil Nye the Science Guy is my favourite Dil.

4. Have you drawn cat whiskers on your face? Yes. 

5. Favourite shirt Dan has.

It's not really the shirt but his jacket

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It's not really the shirt but his jacket.

6. Favourite shirt Phil has.

 Favourite shirt Phil has

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I love everything he wears

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I love everything he wears. But I was mostly tossed between these two.

7. Do you think you're more Dan or Phil? Back when I had black hair. I literally looked like Phil. I have the pale skin and blue eyes, but sadly not the black hair anymore. But Dan is my soul animal.

Look like Phil.

A soul like Dan.

8. Who did you watch first? Technically I've watched them on BBC radio 1. But my best friend showed me a video of Phil. So I've watched Phil first (which Dan had appeared in). I also remembered the name of the video; KISSING A PLASMA BALL. 

9. Do you have a crush on either/ both of them? Both of them, Yes. Still do. No shame.

10. Go to the reference -  Meow 

Now, I have no one to tag. But if you like, maybe you can answer the questions in the comments. I like to know what are your answers are gonna be.

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