180 13 0

March 10th, 2016


It has been exactly a month since Eleanor dreamt of her past memory. And it still haunts her since. Her sleeping cycle has completely destroyed her. Almost every night the dream seems to be replaying in her mind. Even when she's awake.

She wrote the memory in one of her journals. Just in case she doesn't forgot, or if another memory has been created.

Her morning hasn't been too great. She woke up with loud noises that seems to becoming from her neighbors apartment. It was two male voices along with a few females voices. Seems like Dan and Phil has some company.

Speaking of Dan and Phil. They both have been incredibly busy. Since there American tour is just around the corner.

Later in that evening, Louise will be coming over to stay with Dan and Phil over night. Louise has a business meeting in London all through today and the next day, so it'l be cheaper if she stayed over at someone else's house rather than spending her money on a few trips from London and back to Northampton.

Sadly, her daughter Darcy wasn't coming along.

Dan needed to talk to someone about Eleanor. Not that Eleanor needs help. But Dan thought it was a good idea if Louise could keep her company whilst they go overseas. Louise is more than happy to be friends with Eleanor.



'So, Dan, tell me about this girl...'

Both Dan, Phil and Louise sat in the living room with a few boxes of pizzas with the T.V in the background.

'Well, she's our neighbor, she has red hair, Her name is Eleanor and she's a massive nerd like me. Also sh-'

'Wait, Dan, did you say that she lives next door?'

'Yes... I told you she was the new neighbor before'

'Oh yeah.. Sorry. Ooh I've got an idea. Invite her over. I want to know her, I want to see if she has the beauty'

'Louise, I don't think it's a good idea-'

'C'on Dan. It'll be fine..'

'Louise, shes' isn't your average person'

'What do you mean? Is she secretly an alien?'

'No, Louise... She's mute, she can't speak!' Dan raised his voice with annoyance.

The whole room fell silent. Even the T.v suddenly sounded like it went silent. The only sound that all of them can hear is their own breathing, heart beating and thoughts swirling in their brains.

'I'm sorry, Louise. I truly am. The stress from the up coming tour and- Do you still want me to bring her up?'

Dan waited for Louise to respond. Her mind is loudly ticking.

'Do you know what? Sure, bring her up here. I want to get to know her..'

When Louise finished her sentence, she started to pick her nails. Avoiding eye contact from the two men sitting near her.

'Just... Ask her yes or no questions'

Dan wiped his fingers on a paper towel and slowly made his way down to the front door. Somehow his brain wasn't up to it. He suddenly felt like a Dementor just sucked the life out of him. He felt tired and drained, he was surprised that his brain had the energy to drag both feet towards Eleanor's apartment door and made an effort to ring the doorbell.

Dan's ears suddenly became sensitive and he can hear every step that Eleanor is making behind her door. When she opened the door, the hinges creaked and he shut his eyes. He suddenly felt like he has a hangover.

Eleanor looked up and smiled, knowing who was at the door. Dan tried to stay awake.

'Hey... Um... Phil and my other mate Louise and I were having pizza and we ordered too much. So I thought.. maybe, you like to come over?'

She looked over his shoulder to think about her answer. She thought it was nice for him to invite her in, but her mind suddenly flashed to her dream. But she decided to ignore it.

She smiled at Dan, who seemed to have his eyes closed and leaned against the doorway. She waved her hand in front of his face, but no luck. She tapped him on the shoulder and he seemed to jumped a little bit. She lifted her hand to say to hold on a moment. Dan nodded his head.

She went back upstairs to blow out the candles. She was too anxious to leave them unattended. She went into her room to put on her bra. Even though shes wearing a grey sweater and no one can see her breasts, she just felt more comfortable with a bra on.

She headed down stairs and met Dan, still waiting for her outside her door. She shut the door, who somehow startled Dan.

As they entered his apartment. She was met with the smell of pizza and the sound of laughter. She stopped and looked back over to Dan. He was slowly making his way up the stairs. He almost fell backwards. Gripping the stair rail tightly. He walked past Eleanor so he could lead the way. Both entering the living room, Eleanor saw two pairs of eyes. One was familiar and was recognizable and the other, wasn't so much.

Dan stood near the table and introduced the two girls.

'Louise, this is Eleanor, my neighbor. Eleanor, this is Louise, she's one of my friends'

Eleanor gave Louise an awkward wave. Louise did the same.

'It's okay, Dan told me that you can't speak..'

Eleanor froze on the spot. She somehow felt all of her trust for Dan has vanished for telling his friend her secret. Well, it wasn't really a secret, but she felt betrayed somehow.

'It's okay, I'm not going to pressure you to talk or anything. I thought maybe we could get to know each other... Be friends'

Eleanor thought about it for a second. She could give Louise a chance. She thought it'll be nice to have a female friend for once. She nodded her head and smiled to Louise. Louise eyes lit up and smiled as well.

'Here, Eleanor, sit next to me. Take Dan's spot. Also you can grab a pizza, any pizza.'

Louise patted the spot next to her. The seat was warm, since Dan was previously sitting on the same spot.

Speaking of Dan. He was curled up on the chair opposite the couch, he seems to be sleeping. She notice that his body was sitting in an uncomfortable position. She looked at him with awe.

I wonder whats' he's dreaming about....




I'm back.

Sorry I didn't upload last week, I was 1) procrastinating 2) had writers block. Yeah...

I've got like 5 more weeks until I take my laptop back to the school, since it's not really my laptop and school is finishing in about 5 weeks. And I really need to update more since I have a fuck ton of chapters to write. And it's hard to write on my ipad, even my ipad is stuffing up. Whelp.

And the problem is that I don't plan ahead. I just do it the last minute. But I do have a book with written ideas. Another problem is that I procrastinate too much and it's getting annoying.

But on the positive side is that I've reached 200 reads. Yay... Hi if you are those people who's continue reading my book. I hope you'll stick around much longer.

If you want, I've got two other published books that I've wrote. If you like Sherlock and/or Harry Potter. Gave that a go, see how it is.

Cheeky lil promo.

Okay bye.

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