Chapter 19

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>Sky's POV<
Jerome was mad at me. It was pretty obvious and everyone probably knew about it, well... Everyone expect Mitch. Small, Innocent Mitch.
I sighed, when he came downstairs he looked so confused and scared, I couldn't help feeling guilty, it was my fault Mitch got hurt, I should have seen it coming.
I felt a burning hatred towards Marcus, you can hurt me, I thought, but hurting my friends is over the line.
I guess it wasn't all my fault, and Mitch was fine eating and laughing with the rest of us, so I guess it didn't really matter anyway.
In the two days that Mitch was bedridden we found out how much a part of the team he really is, we couldn't get along without him, he had this sort of cute innocence that stops arguments and people from fighting, he had no idea.
Since Mitch said he was fine Jerome had stopped glaring at me, which was a relief, it had gotten annoying.
It was obvious to me that Jerome had feelings for Mitch, I wouldn't blame him, I probably would to if it wasn't for Ty, I just hopped that Mitch felt the same way, I didn't want to see Jerome heartbroken again, and besides they would make a cute couple.
"Sky?" Ty called "Sky? Are you ok?" I looked around to see Ty and Mitch looking at me worriedly, "Yeah." I said "Just... Thinking"
"He's probably fantasizing about you Ty" Joked Jason.
Ty blushed and I glared at him, but Mitch just chuckled and we stopped, Just like that.
Yep, I thought, it was good to have Mitch back.
Thanks for reading.!

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