End of Flashback

"Lauren?" Camila waves her hand in front of the girl's face.

"Hmm?" The girl snaps out of her trance.

"I asked if there is anything else different about me?" The younger girl questions.

Lauren looks over at her, a smile still etched on her features from the memory that was just replayed in her head. "Actually, that's the only thing. You're still the same bubbly, hilarious, kind-hearted, beautiful girl that I fell in love with."

Camila just nods, a blush rising to her cheeks. Lauren seems to always know the right things to say to turn her into a flustered mess.

A few minutes later and Lauren pulls into the park and turns off the car. The family of three plays for about an hour at the park. Well Lauren and Camila play and Cam just sleeps on the grass beneath him. Lauren makes sure to remind Camila every chance she gets that Cam is definitely hers considering how much he sleeps. That comment always earns the older girl a playful slap on her upper arm.

Most of their time is spent attempting to get Cam to stop sleeping and fetch the stick Lauren keeps throwing. The green-eyed girl just feels like she's playing fetch with Camila though, considering the younger girl is the one to go retrieve the stick every time she throws it. After the girls wear themselves out, they decide to go get frozen yogurt. Camila opts to stay outside with Cam while Lauren goes to get them both treats. When Lauren returns, Camila smiles mischievously.

"So lets see if you really know me as well as you claim you do." Camila sets the puppy down on the sidewalk, still clutching his leash tightly in her left hand so she doesn't lose him.

Lauren smirks as she hands the girl the cup of yogurt. "Oh, I know you." She comments and the smaller girl just smiles at her before bringing the spoon to her mouth and taking a bite.

"Banana frozen yogurt with Sour Patch Kids on top." She smacks her lips dramatically while Lauren takes a bite of her orange sherbet. "You failed. I wanted vanilla with gummy bears.

"Nice try, but that's exactly what you would have gotten for yourself and you know it. Plus, you hate vanilla frozen yogurt. You always claimed it didn't have a taste." Lauren challenges.

"You're right. You passed with flying colors, Jauregui." Camila smiles as she digs her spoon into the yogurt again. The two girls eat in silence, as they sit at a table outside the yogurt place; Camila occasionally feeding Cam some of her yogurt and Lauren scrunching her face up in disgust when she watches Camila  feed herself a bite with the same spoon she just used to feed the puppy.

"Camz, you do know he's a dog and not a human, right?" Lauren scrunches her nose up as she watches Camila feed the puppy yet another bite of yogurt.

"Wrong." Camila drops the spoon back in the cup before snuggling the dog closer to her. "He's my fur baby."

Lauren goes to respond, but is interrupted by Camila's phone ringing.

"Talk to me, cheech." The younger girl lifts the phone to her ear.

"Could you just for once in your life answer the phone normally?" Dinah asks when Camila answers.

"Nope." Camila answers bluntly. "Now what's up? Your interrupting my quality time with my child."

"The nerve." Dinah shakes her head. "I was calling to see if you wanted to go out tonight with me, Mani, and Ally, but I don't know if I want yo rude self to go anymore." The blonde scoffs.

"Yeah I'll go." Camila agrees. "Lauren is here with me so I'll ask her too."

"Oh, I see. No wonder you are eager to get off the phone. You said you were spending time with your child, but you're really spending time with your daddy." Dinah mumbles and Camila's face visibly reddens.

"Dinah Jane." Camila chastises the Polynesian.

"I'm hilarious." Dinah praises herself. "Mani, you're a lucky girl." She turns to inform her fiance who is sitting beside her and the dark-skinned girl just shakes her head, a small smile playing on her lips.

Camila just rolls her eyes. "Hanging up now. I'll get ready tonight at Austin's since most of my stuff is there so just come pick me up there." The brunette says before hanging up and turning her attention back to an amused Lauren.

"Dinah say something inappropriate?" The older brunette asks knowingly.

"Dinah? Never." Camila jokes. "She asked if we wanted to go out tonight. Her, Mani, and Ally apparently want to have a girls night or something."

"Sounds fun. I'm in." Lauren agrees, not caring if she sounds a little too eager.

"Awesome." Camila smiles cheekily. "I don't know a time, but I'm sure she will text us." She stands up and extends her hand to the green-eyed girl. "Now we should probably go home and get ready. I doubt you'll get into any club looking like that, Jauregui." The older girl just rolls her eyes as she takes Camila's hand and allows the girl to pull her up.

Lauren nudges the girl with her shoulder. "Let's go, sassy."


Song: She Is Love By. Parachute

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