“You’ll never know unless you actually speak to him. How come you didn’t talk to him at the court?”

            “Wanda I was just going there to play basketball.  Not to find a boyfriend.” I said a little annoyed.

            She studied my face. “If you really wanted to do it, it’d be fun.”

            “I don’t want to do it.” I said stubbornly.

             Starting up the stairs, I heard her sigh. I went into my room. It was nothing special just really plain. No posters or pictures. I had so much room for so much nothing. I walked up to my MAC computer, probably the only awesome thing in my entire room. I logged on ready for the video chat.

             I heard a dinging sound and a chat request box popped up. I smiled while clicking the accept button. It was time to endure Randi’s social butterfly personality along with Sophie’s quiet but making a statement personality. Both of their faces popped up on my screen within a matter of seconds.

            “Hey!” Randi’s voice boomed through the speakers.

            “What’s up you guys?” Sophie said in her soft voice.

            “Hey out there!” I said trying to make my voice sound like an echo.

            Sophie laughed at both of us and we started talking about everything that we’d done over the past few weeks. I gave them all of the details about the basketball court.

            “Stop right there sister! You mean to tell me that you just walked around with your sports bra on?” Sophie said.

            “Look at Jordan go!” Randi exclaimed.

I laughed. “I do that all the time you wing nuts! I forgot that he was even there!”

            “I’m pretty sure he didn’t forget you were there because we all know your body is like: BAM! Right up in your face! You have that curvy figure every girl would kill for. You just hide it under all of those frumpy looking clothes!” Randi scolded.

            “Blah.” I said, “I don’t need any tight fitting clothes. I’m not trying to impress anybody in particular.”

            Randi threw my words back at me saying, “You don’t have to have tight clothes to look good Jordan. You could just show your legs and that would be enough.”

            “Can we just get to the schedules?” I asked impatiently. This was taking too long.

            Sophie quickly agreed with me. It turned out that all three of us only had two classes together which was EAST Lab and Study Hall. Both of them had almost every single class together. I immediately started to panic.

            “This school year is going to be so boring! Why do I only have a few classes with you guys? This was supposed to be the best year of my life!” I groaned. I felt like crying.

            Randi was frowning and so was Sophie who was double checking her schedule. I could feel tears starting to form.

            “My life sucks right now. It’s going to be so boring this year without you guys.”

            “Maybe it’s a sign.” Sophie said quietly.

            “What do you mean?” Randi beat me to the question I was about to ask.

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