Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

            The week passed by pretty quickly and before I knew it, it was Friday. Today was the day of the basketball tryout and I was determined to make the team. I wanted to get my letterman jacket and prove to myself that I could do this. I drove to school and saw there was no one in my spot this morning. I had asked people if they could refrain from standing in my parking spot. They actually listened to me this time.

            Last year when I’d asked they had just ignored me. I guess changing your appearance really did make a difference in how people treated you. When I stepped out of the car and walked past the main popular people group, I smiled and waved at Caden. I was going to continue walking, but he beckoned me to come over. What could he want? I started to feel all tingly inside. Weird.

            “Hey Jordan, do you have to work today?”

            “Sadly,” I said.

            Caden started laughing, “Me too. Richard said he needed someone to come in. So, I volunteered. It’s about time we see each other at work. I need someone to talk to!”

            I laughed, “Yeah, I’ll see you there after the basketball tryouts. The coach is doing them today.”

As soon as I said this Christian came into view. He had been talking to a group of guys and he was frowning my way. I traced his stare and saw he was making faces at Caden. Jealously? I smirked.

            “Hey long legs. How are you today?” He winked, emphasizing you.

            “Nothing much, just talking about work. What’s going on?”

            “I want to invite you and your friends to a party that I’m having at a rented club. I’m going to invite a couple of people and I want you there.”

            “When is it?” I asked curiously. He sure did host a lot of parties.

            “It’s going to be tomorrow at 10 p.m. Dress to impress,” He smirked.

            I raised an eyebrow. “I’ll think about it. Anyways, I’ve got to get going. I have…things to tend to.” I turned to Caden, “See you at work. Maybe Richard will let me help you with the storage room.”

            Caden looked up from glaring at Christian. I wonder what the look was for. “Sure thing Jordan. I can’t wait.” He gave a little smile.

            I started to walk off but not before I heard Christian give a comment to Caden.

            “How come you didn’t tell me you knew her? She’s hot.” Christian stated.

            I glanced over at Caden really quickly. His teeth were clenched, “I have no idea. And she is a cutie isn’t she?”

            “Most definitely.”

I blushed and continued walking. If I didn’t, they would see my face as red as a tomato. The day passed by so quickly. It was probably because of the basketball try outs that started right after school. I walked to the gym and stopped. Here I was, standing outside of the gym doors with my gym bag. I took a deep breath and walked inside. The gym was like a sanctuary. It was big, showing off all of our school colors and the many championships we’d won over the years. I couldn’t believe that I had a chance to actually play on the court.

I walked into the girls’ locker room. The normal team was there and they looked surprised to see me there. Samantha, a girl I knew from class, looked up and smiled at me.

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