Bates turned his eyebrows on Vincent. "Oh, Vincent. You're such a tease. I'll take my leave, or we'll be here forever waiting for you to find your sense of humor." He tossed the clothes over his shoulder, and the sleeve of Vincent's shirt narrowly missed hitting Vincent in the head.

Colin still wore an obnoxious grin as he shrugged at Bates' retreating back. "So, Vincent. What's the story with Rafael? I heard you and he talked this morning and he issued you a formal challenge for Reese."

"That's correct."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Colin said, his grin fading behind pursed lips.

"Or me?" I chimed in as my stomach did a back flip off the couch. 

Vincent calmly waved off our inquiries as if we had no reason to be upset. "I've been occupied and haven't had a chance to make an announcement."

"Did Rafael choose a time and location?" Colin asked as he and Vincent walked to the couch to discuss their plans. No one seemed to notice me standing in a mute stupor under the foyer light. Apparently, I was on my own to contemplate the ramifications of the challenge. The situation involved me as much as it did Vincent.

Why was Rafael even interested in me? He hardly knew me. Was I just a pawn in a rivalry between him and Vincent? Surely, Rafael couldn't match Vincent's strength. He was smaller than Vincent in height and width. Of course, size didn't always matter. Rafael might be an excellent fighter, and his smaller stature could allow him to dodge Vincent's assaults. What if Vincent lost? Would I be forced to date someone I had no interest in? This whole challenge business was ridiculous, really. Battling for a woman's hand went out with the knights of the round table and chivalry.

Wren and Griffin walked in the door in the middle of my internal monologue, and Wren quickly swept me into her arms.

"I'm so glad you're back with us, Reese. I knew you didn't have malice in your heart, and you have brought Vincent such comfort."

"I kept telling everyone you would never betray us," Griffin put in as she bent down to slip Bonnie and Clyde each a rawhide bone. "And I'm an excellent judge of character."

"Thanks. Both of you," I said. "I'm glad to be back."

Wren's forehead wrinkled as she stepped back to study me. "What's wrong? You look anxious."

I glanced over at Vincent and Colin, who were speaking covertly on the couch. "Rafael issued a formal challenge to Vincent."

"Is that so?" Wren pursed her lips as she joined me in staring at her sons. Apparently, she didn't appreciate being left out of the loop either. "Well, Rafael is a troubled young gollum. He has been brooding ever since Adele refused him and chose to mate with William." Wren offered a reassuring pat on my shoulder. "Don't worry about the challenge. Vincent is a powerful gollum with thirteen years' experience over Rafael. And if Rafael does manage to draw first blood, you have the right to refuse his offer to mate with you."

My stomach had still not recovered from that backflip, and Wren's pep talk did little to comfort me. Rafael's motives struck me as ill-conceived and reckless, but what did I know. I was still learning the ways of gollums.

Bates returned to the living room carrying a bucket and a toilet brush. His sleeves were rolled up, but he looked like he was dressed to attend the opera.

"Hi Bates!" Griffin acknowledged him enthusiastically, and he bent forward to let her kiss his cheek.

"Hello Griffin. How's my favorite gollum?"

I nearly choked when I heard their exchange, but I managed to cover it with a subtle clearing of my throat. So, Bates was privy to their alternate lifestyle, eh? Is that how he got away with his haughty attitude? He could blackmail the Valentinos if they fired him. Of course, each one of the Valentinos could drop him where he stood if he went too far. It was probably a fair trade.

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