Be Alright

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" How are my beliebers doing?" Justin asked while tear drops are dropping fron his eyes.

" Theyre still there for u, Jay. We all love u ok. Just dont do it again. Promise we will be here for u no matter what." i said hugging Justin.


"Promise, babe." u replied and kissed him.

U both heard screaming girls outside the police station.

"Y/n, my beliebers are here." Justin said.

"Yeah, theyre right here for u. Told u." i said smiling.

"Can u ask the guard to give me a little time to see them outside?" Justin asked.

"Sure, babe." i replied.

I went to the police and asked

"Uhmm... Sir,can we just check outside not really outside becuz Justin wants to see his Beliebers out there. U can just go with us." i said politely to the police.

"Ok, sure. but i need to come with u ok." he said.


Me, Justin and the police, went out to see a bunch of Beliebers crying, screaming, chanting.

"Shshhhh.... Guys, quiet." Justin said said to the girls outside the wire walls.

"Justin, are u fine?" a random belieber asked.

"Yes, im fine. I should be the one to ask u if u r all fine. Sorry, i all let u down. I thought on after what i did, i thought my beliebers will already leave me, but i was wrong they are still bunch of u who believes.Thanx guys." Justin said almost crying for joy.

"We love u, Justin." Another belieber said.

"I love u all, more." Justin answered.

Suddenly all the beliebers there started singing ( Be Alright) to Justin and Justin couldnt resist to cry.

"Time's up Bieber" the police said.

Justin and I looked at the police.

"Sorry once again guys. If i can just say it one million times i would. But i need to go. Dont forget i luv u guys." Justin said walking with me and the police back inside while waving to his beliebers.

And Beliebers were randomly responding to Justin:

"We love u Justin!"

"We are here for u!"

"Take Care!"

I also couldnt resist to cry. i was also a Belieber like them. So i knew what they feel.


Dear Fellow Beliebers,

Justin is needing our help rihht now.

He saved our lives, inspired our lives,let us not give up on him. Its our turn now, to help him through this.

Sincerely Yours,

DEAR JUSTIN BIEBER IMAGINESOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz