Class Match Opposites

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imagine-  Youre the class nerd in your class. But youre not that ugly, actually youre beautiful. And Justin is the class president of your class. He is popular, very popular, handsome, smart,nice and all. And you decided one day to school you would not wear your glasses.


This morning i enetered a room filled with irritating noise and scattered people roaming around our classroom.

Before entering the room fully, i looked around and closed my eyes to a deep breath.

I looked down the floor while entering. I sat down on my seat like im the only one with myself.

"Tok!" a paper hitted my head. " Ow!" i muttered shyly.

"Look, uhm im sorry-" a boy touched my shoulder and i looked back at him. "Uhmm... thats alright." i replied.

" Oh....-" Ryan Butler, was the person i saw when looked back. "Oh, Ryan im sorry uhm uhm i-i-i guess its my fault." i said stammering.

Ryan was one of the persons who bullys me in school. And he is one of the bestfriends of my crush, Justin. Maybe i guess its just a little crush. But Justin doesnt bully, well he is our class president.

I looked down while Ryan was still jaw dropped. "Ryan, are u ok?" i asked looking up at him.

"Uh... im fine. What-wh-wh-at-" i cutted him off his stammering its kinda annoying.

"Ryan, what?" i asked with command. "You look-look-look...." i cutted him."What?" i asked lowering my eye brows.

"Beautiful." he said.

What did he just say? Did my bully say im beautiful? Is this reality? One day i just didnt use my glasses and let my brown hair down, and what did just happened, Huh!?

"Ryan!" a angelic voice called out Ryan's name and Ryan looked back.

"Justin!" ryan came to Justin and patted each other.


"Justin" Ryan patted me on the back. "Bro, did u notice Y/n, she's.... beautiful today." he said having his jaw dropped on Y/n.

"Really, bro, really?" i said. "What?" he said pouting. "First u hate her and bully her and next youll just fall for her?!" i said smirking on Y/n.

"No dude. I think she's just hot." he said. "Youd just say that because she's got her glasses off.I think she's pretty even with or without glasses." i said smiling at Y/n.

"Woah! Mr. Class President likes Ms. Nerd Beauty..." Ryan teases (singing)

"Goodmorning class." Mrs. Good entered the classroom. Mrs. Good entered but before she could put her things on the table she stared at Y/n for awhile.

"Wow! Ms. Y/fn (your family name), you look pretty today." Mrs. Good complemented on Y/n.Y/n didnt say anything but she only smiled.

I noticed that Madison rolled her eyes on Y/n, and started gossiping with her friends.

While the discussion went on, I keep on staring at Y/n. She is beautiful, smart, funny, nice and cute. She has it all for a girl that deserves good things.


Classes were over. The bell rang and everyone stood up and went out the room.

But me, i was still fixing my things.

I looked at my side, where Justin sits, hoping if he is still there and if he notices me.

But he wasnt there. Guess he didnt notice. Well, ill just wait.

I went to my locker to put my books and notebooks in. While I was putting my things in my locker someone called me sarcasticly"Oh, isnt it Ms. Nerdy Pants." Madison came to me with bunch of her girl bitches.

"Madison, what did i do to u? Why are you so mean to me?" i asked still holding some books in my hands.

"You know why? You took Justin away from me." she scowled."What do u mean?" i asked with frustration.

"Y/n, he likes u, A lot. And we are suppose to be the match made in heaven in class, but thats impossible because he likes u more than me." she said almost reaching to screech.

"Since when?" i asked almost not believing her. "Since u came into his life." she said.

"Uhmm..." i was speechless. Suddenly Madison took my books away from me and threw it all on the floor and pushed me.

In a very unexpected coming a voice came to me to help "Madison, what are u doing?" There Justin helped me to get up and also helped me pick up my books.

"Justin-" Madison said but Justin cutted him. "What?!" he replied to her as if he was mad.

"Justin, u dont deserve her. Were the match made in heaven." she said.

"Maybe u mean, i dont deserve u. Y/n has all a girl is i wanted . But u youre just a mean girl who does nothing but-" Justin said but i cutted him.

"Justin," i said. But instead of letting me continue he said "Y/n, i can handle this." and he held my hand.

OMG! Butterflies were in my stomach.

After he held my hand, Madison didnt reply but she screeched her anger away and went away with her group.

When she went away, Justin and i laughed. "Justin, Madison said uhmm... u like me." i said."Uhmmm... yes i do." he replied.

"I like u too." i said. "Really?" he asked having a curve on his lips."Uhuh." i said. "Wanna go out some time?" he asked.

"Sure." i said. "Can i take u home?" he asked clinging me. "Alright, Mr. Class President." i said smirking on him. "Ok. Lego Ms. Nerd Beauty." he said.

DEAR JUSTIN BIEBER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now