Please dont leave me

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Imagine- You and justin are husband and wife. And one day u were both just hanging out in your living room, with the sunlight bright.

You were both on the couch. Justin was sitting down while you were laying on his chest.

Justin is hmmming his song Heartbreaker, slowly and he played with your hair.

While you were laying on his chest and while he hmmed, after the sudden he stopped hmming heartbreaker.

"Babe?" he asked u.

"What babe?" you looked up at him and u sat to your proper sitting position and looked at him sweetly.

"Promise u wont leave me?"

"Justin, I will never. We just got married last month and look what youre asking or talking about. Why, tell me whats been in your mind." u answered him holding his hand.

"Its alright. Forget about it." he said.

"Justin, what does this ring mean if you wont tell me about that. U know, if youre already husband and wife, no hidden secrets. Now, please tell me." u said.

"No, its just I dreamt last night, maybe one day u wake up hating me because of my mistakes. And worst you are gonna leave me." he answered you sadly.

"Babe, ill never leave u. U know i love you, and i know u love me. Of course, I will be mad for whatever mistake you commit to me, but every problem there is always a solution. I will try to understand for whatever mistake u do. But, try not to commit mistakes, ok?" you said to him.

"Ok." thats all he said to all of your amazing sentences.

"Love you?" u asked leaning into him.

"Love you too." he answered leaning to close the gap between the two of you to kiss.

DEAR JUSTIN BIEBER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now