Confusing Proposal

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imagine- You and Justin are in a relationship. Justin is on tour while you were with your family.


Now justin is on tour , i would always stay bored in my house. I do the usual things i do when Justin wasnt in my life yet.

I would watch tv, Instagram, Chat with friends.

I was laying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I really missed Justin. His kisses, his warm body, his hug and all.

Ive decided to call him, cuz i think he really isnt kinda busy right now.

I called him but in surprise he didnt pick up. I tried calling 4 more times but nothing.

Not even one of my texts he didnt answer back. He isnt like this at all.

I thought that maybe he is just too busy right now or tired.

It was already a day he didnt communicate with me. He promised to communicate with me.

Its already confusing that i do not know what he is already doing.

Suddenly my phone rang....... it was justin.

"Hello?" i said.

"Hello, babe."


"Sorry i didnt answer your calls or texted back to any of your messages."

"Why? What happened?"

"Uhhh... i was just busy."

"Ok. Justin, i really miss you."

"Me too babe. Guess i would see u soon."

"Soon? When?"

"In 5 weeks."

"Really? Cant wait.But can i call u tonight?"

"Uhm.. ok."


"Y/n baby, i need to go, hear u later. love u?"

"Love you." he hung the phone.

I was wondering what was really going on. Why was he so busy? I thought that call was our time for each other.

5 weeks later...

I was so excited that Justin is already coming home. Yey!!!!

I was eating my breakfast still staring at my phone. All of the sudden, my phone rang

"Hello?" i said.

"Baby, its Justin."

"Justin, what time are you coming home?"

"Uhh... later in the afternoon."

"What time?"

"Uhh... dont fetch me ok?"

"Justin, what time?" he hung up.

It was already so confusing..... Urrrgghh.....

It is already 4:00 in the afternoon, Justin wasnt still here yet. He didnt even tell what time he will be arriving. He also told me not to fetch him.I got worried, so i called him, but a distraction came up.

Ryan, Justin's buddy, called up.

"Hello ryan, wassup?"

"Uh.. Change now."


"Justin is in the hospital."


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