Another chapter

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Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning, and I felt... Wrong. It was as if someone had been in my room, and touched everything, examining it, and put it back in the exact same spot.

I looked towards the game, and I picked it up. The game was still in the container, but as I looked at it, I saw something I hadn't noticed before. The words Majora's Mask were gone, and instead they were replaced with "You will soon meet with a terrible fate..." I turned the container over and saw Majora's Mask written on that side. When I turned it over again, the message was gone.

"Lu-cy! Are you up?" my mother called.

"Yeah, mom. Just give me a second," I yelled as I got out of bed and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I ran down the stairs but stopped when I saw the boy with the blue mask standing in my yard, near the forest. He waved, and I gulped and waved back shyly. He made a beckoning motion with his finger, and turned and walked into the forest.

I could hear my mom and Peter, my 14 year old brother, talking about Peter's new video game.

"Hey, Pete. In my room, there's a game which you can have," I called, as I pulled on my rubber boots.

"Thanks, Luce!" he said as he ran past me and up the stairs.

I grabbed my coat, and ran out the door as I pulled it on. I ran into the forest, and I looked for the boy in the mask. I saw a note, nailed to a tree. I pulled it off, and smirked.

"The heart of the forest? How cliché is that?" I snort, as I follow the trail.

When I finally reach my destination, I see the boy with the mask facing away from me, looking at the sky.

"Hello?" I said hesitantly. The boy turned around.

"Hi! I'm Eyeless Jack!" he said, and his mask seemed to smile.

"I-I'm Lucy," I said.

"I want your kidneys, Lucy, but the others say I can't have them," he said, pouting.

"There are others?" I asked, and Jack nodded vigorously.

"Yes, there are others. And one of them is almost here. Peter just needs to release him."

I suddenly had a vision of Peter playing the game, and then it switched off, and something jumped out of the screen.

"Peter..." I said, and EJ nodded.

My phone buzzed, and I looked down. Eyeless Jack nodded, and I pulled my phone out. I pressed on the text, and a boy dressed as Link jumped out of the screen, draining my battery from 100% to 0%.

"Hey, BEN," EJ said, and the Link boy turned to me. He too had black pits for eyes, dripping with black blood. But the new boy had glowing red pupils.

"Uh... Hi?" I said, and BEN and Jack smiled.

"Are the others here?" BEN asked Eyeless Jack, and EJ nodded. "And what should we do with the girl?"

Jack shrugged. "I don't know... Give her to Jeff?"

Anger engulfed me, and I snapped. "Now listen here, masky, I-" I was cut off by the sound of chewing. I looked up, and saw a boy, wearing a yellow sweater and a white mask with black eyes. He was eating... Cheesecake? He dropped to the ground and walked over to Jack and BEN.

"I'm Eyeless Jack. This is Masky."

Masky waved, and I waved back, a sudden feeling of dread spreading over me.

I heard the screams, and I looked around, my heart racing.

"What was that?!" I asked, and the three boys exchanged looks.

"Jeff..." Masky muttered, and that was enough to scare me. I took off, running as fast as I can through the forest and into my house.

I open the door slowly, and I saw a trail of blood. I gagged, and followed it into the kitchen. I screamed when I see my family, carved up and disfigured.

A figure turns around, his white sweater spattered with blood, and his face horrific. He must be Jeff.

I scream in anger at him, and he merely grins. "HOW COULD YOU?! YOU MONSTER!" I scream, and he flies at me, pushing me against the wall and holding a knife to my throat.

"Hello, Lucy. I'm not a monster. No, no. But I would like to kill you... But I can't. The others won't let me. So, I killed the next best thing." He smiled, and I gagged.

"Jeff... Let her go," I hear a voice say, and I see BEN standing behind Jeff. Jeff drops the knife from my throat and leaves. I collapse, sobs racking my body.

BEN sits with me, stroking my hair and comforting me.

Soon, I hear the sirens, and BEN stands up, and offers his hand to me. I take it, and he helps me up.

We run back into the forest together, hand in hand.

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