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Chapter 1 (takes place Season 4 Episode 1

This morning I woke up to what I wake up to every morning, Carl and Debbie fighting over the bathroom, Fiona and Debbie fighting over clothes, it's getting really annoying, there is not a moment where my siblings aren't fighting over something. I got out of bed and got dressed, I put on grey shorts and a plain red shirt. 

I walked downstairs and got breakfast. Fiona and Debbie were still fighting over Debbie's clothes, I swear those two never give it a rest. 

"I'm going to Holly's" Debbie said. 

"You two gonna work the corner?" Carl snickered. I laughed until Debbie hit me on the shoulder. 

"Shut up! Both of you!" She yelled. I can't take this anymore. I walked over to the sink and dumped my bowl in there. 

"See ya" I said, walking towards the door. 

"Where are you going?" Fiona asked. 

"Out" I said, walking out the door. As I walked out, I saw Sheila opening the gate with a bowl of dip.

 "Oh hi Ellie!" She said. 

"Hi Sheila!" I said, smiling. I like Sheila, even though she is a bit strange, she really is a lovely woman.

 I started walking down the street, scouting out my next victim. I had come up with a way to earn some money. I would walk around town, in supermarkets, delis, things like that, and take people's wallets. 

It's pretty simple, and, it turns out, I'm good at it. I've stolen more than I could count, and I've never been caught. I walked up to a grocery store and went inside. I walked up and down the isles for a bit, until I spotted a man at the checkout that looked like he'd have a few bucks. When I was about to walk out the exit, I swiped his wallet from his pocket. I ran until I was a few streets away from the store, until I opened the wallet. It turns out, I was right. $127 and change! Nobody carries that kind of money around here unless they want to have it stolen, so technically it's his own fault.

 I looked in the other pockets. Carton of cigarettes, lighter, couple of credit cards, condom, and a photo of his wife and kids. I took one of the cigarettes and lit it up. The hot smoke was soothing in my mouth. I blew it out. I love smoking. 

By the end of the day, I had stolen 7 wallets and made $297 and 45 cents. I also had 4 condoms, 6 cigarette cartons, which added up to 36 cigarettes, a small switchblade, 5 credit cards and a piece of string. It was the most I had ever gotten in a full day. I headed home at around 4:00. When I got home, Carl was sitting on the couch watching some movie. When he heard me shut the door, he looked up. 

"Dad's home" he said. I stopped dead in my tracks. 

"Ok" I said, trying to act like I don't care. 

"Do you even care?" Carl said.

 "No" I said. But I was lying. I did care, Nobody's seen my dad in months, and I was getting worried, but I couldn't let Carl think that. I went up the stairs. As I was about to go into my room that I share with Debbie, I saw my father lying, back to me on the bed in my brother's room. I walked up to him and stopped in the doorway. 

"Hey" I said. He turned his head to look at me. 

"Hey" he said, raspily. He looked terrible. His skin was pale, he smelled, his clothes were ragged and ripped, and he had needle marks on his arms. 

"Well, um...bye" I said, turning back and walking to my room.

 I checked to see If Debbie was in there before I laid all my stuff that I had from today out on the desk. I grabbed my money and put it in my money tin. So far I had been doing this for a month and had made $838 and 75 cents. I haven't told anybody about it, though, because if I did, Fiona would give me a huge lecture and forbid me from doing it again, and she would probably take all the money that I had.

 I know I should probably give the money to her, to help with groceries, bills, etc but I'm saving up for something I really want. I don't know what that is yet, but I'll find something. I hid the switchblade in my pillow case and threw the condoms and string out. When I was done, I flopped down on my bed. Before long, I had drifted off to sleep.

(AUTHORS NOTE!: Sorry that this was so short, I promise the other chapters will be longer! Please let me know if you have any suggestions to make the story better! Any criticism is welcome! Also, I do not own Shameless, or the characters, I only own Ellie, and any other characters that aren't in the show! Thankyou!)

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