Chapter 6

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We made it to my father's house in Calabasas. We slept for a couple of hours. I decided to get ready. I did my morning routine and got dressed in a red sports bra and my mid thigh overalls. I did two goddess braids. For shoes I put my all white adidas.

"Yass hunty" Jacob says. I turn around and gasp. He had on some shorts, a men's crop and some boots that had heels.

"Okay, I see you"

"Girl you already know" he says with a twirl. I giggle and grab my book bag.

"Lets go"

Slim texted me that Swae was still asleep. So I wanted to be right next to him, so when he wakes up I'm the first thing he sees. I hated that he knows I'm here thanks to the paps.

We walked to the garage and decided to take the roofless car. Reece was gonna drive since he's the only one that knows how to. We got in and immediately got on the road, following the lady on maps. After an hour and 6 minutes, we were finally in Beverly Hills. The houses were beautiful. When the map said we were here, we stopped. In front of us stood a house. It looked like a frat house. We all got out and I ran towards the house. I rung the bell and the door opened. I was hit with the smell of weed. Slim appeared and I smiled. He did too and hugged me.


"Hi, is he still asleep?" I ask.

"Yeah, come in"

I walk in. He begins to say hi to Jacob and Reece. He closes the door and walks me upstairs. Jacob and Reece stay in the living room.

When we get to the top of the stairs, a guy appears in just a towel.

"Hello, you must be Amanda. I'm jay" he greets.

"Hi" I say with a small wave. He walks into a room and closes the door.

We walk to the last room. "This is Swae's. Have fun" slim says and winks.

I roll my eyes and open the door. Swae was sleeping with the sheets covering his waist and his dreads covering his face. I walk in and close the door. I slowly walk towards the bed and lay in his arms. I close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep.


Swae's Pov:

I slowly opened my eyes and winced as the sun burned my eyes. But I froze. I wasn't in bed alone. Did I sleep with someone else last night? I cheated on Amanda. I opened my eyes again and moved. The person got up.

"Good morning baby" Amanda said.

I shot up and pulled her on top of me. She smelled so good. Her skin was so soft. "I'm so happy you're here" I said and crashed my lips against hers.

"Me too" she says and I begin to tug on her overalls. "What?"


She rolled her eyes and got off. She began to take off her overalls. They fell to the floor and I admired her body. I licked my lips.

"Now, come here"

She got on top of me again and I flipped us over. I was now on top of her. I pulled the blankets over our heads and I began to plant kisses all over her body. When I got to her neck, she let out a moan. I reached her lips and we began to kiss each other recklessly. I was so turned on. She stopped.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I want to do it, but I want to be able to walk and explore for at least 3 days" she says with a giggle.

"Alright, can I finish marking you though?" I say with a slight smirk.

"Of course"

I go down and leave dark red marks all over her.

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