guilty? not guilty?

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Everyone watched in silence as Gina Cowell narrated the whole incident to the judge. From the abortion to the night of their argument.

"So what happened after your husband went to pursue your daughter, Ms. Cowell?" Asked Avery.

"I followed him," she said. Liam and Harry shot each other looks. She hadn't mentioned this to them. "I followed him to that bar and then the trail."

"And what happened on that trail?"

"Objection -"


"I saw with my own two eyes what happened," she said, crying.

"What was that?" asked Avery. "What did you see?"

"He killed her," wept Gina. "And my husband watched."

"Who was it?" Asked Avery. "Who killed your daughter?"

"Shahid Khan.." whispered Gina.

"Thank you for your honesty," said Avery. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Shahid Khan had actively been pursuing Cassandra Cowell until she decided to end things. The proof is in Ms. Cowell's personal diary and video footage showing the two together on campus."

"While Shahid Khan is a professor of Calculus, it is completely natural for his students to approach him with doubts on campus," argued Perkins. "Also, Mrs. Cowell, it says here that you take prescription pills for hallucinations. Is that correct?"

"Y-yes, but what I saw was real." said Gina.

"Can anyone prove it?"

The court fell silent.

"Your ending statements please," said Judge Wally.

Avery cleared his throat. "In the twisted murder of Cassandra Cowell, my clients Mr. Horan  and Mr. Malik are completely innocent. The very fact that Mr. Horan was attacked before Ms. Cowell was murdered states his innocence. He couldn't possibly have murdered the young girl and struck himself in the back of the head after. What's more is that there is clear evidence in Cassandra Cowell's diary about her father's unruly behavior. Meanwhile, a full search for Shahid Khan is requested. While he is not present in court, there is enough evidence on campus camera, proving he's been following Mr. Horan and his friends all week."

Niall's blood chilled. He didn't even know they were being followed.

"We have footages of his car following them. Also, what Mr. Horan and Mr. Malik lack is a motive. That's all."

"Accusing a father - someone who had raised the girl for all her life - of being an accessory to murder is ridiculous. Parents are meant to support children and not harm them. All the evidence, from Mr. Horan's knife to Mr. Malik's novel has been presented to you. We have been just in our interrogation and we expect justice to be served. These young boys are criminals and I dare not accept any other claim." said Perkins. "That's all."

"If hitting your kid means supporting them, then Perkins would have a point," said Liam.

"The prescription pill argument could make an impact though," said Harry, worried. The court broke out for a break before the verdict.

The boys met Zayn and Niall.

"What's happened has happened," said Zayn. "We can only wait for a verdict."

"How are you so calm?" asked Niall. "We could go to jail for something we didn't do!"

"Let's call Louis." interjected Harry. He felt the need to update their friend on what had just happened.

"So?" Asked Louis. Harry and Liam explained the whole situation while Zayn and Niall sat quietly. Eleanor had excused herself to use the washroom.

Surprisingly, Louis was positive. "Have faith in Professor Stark. Perkins has a history of using unjust means for her cases. From what you've said, Stark was really good."

"He was," said Zayn. "He put up a convincing fight."

"Yeah, we owe him for that," said Niall. "Jail or not."

Judge Wally was seen going back inside. Eleanor joined them again.

"This is it."


"Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?" asked the judge.

"Yes. In the case regarding the people vs. Niall Horan, the jury declares Niall James Horan to be..."

Everyone held their breath. Zayn squeezed Niall's hand. Niall's mother let out a small shriek.

"...not guilty."

There were tears.  There were cheers. The boys hugged each other tight, happy for the days that would come.

"So what's going to happen?" asked Harry. "To Khan? To Cowell?"

"They've sent a search warrant for Khan," said Avery. "Cowell is going to serve prison for two years."

"Wow," said Liam. "Who's going to be the principal of your uni, then?"

"Thankfully not that guy!" said Eleanor.

"Thank you," said Niall, tearfully, turning to Avery. "You saved our lives."

Zayn nodded and the two boys hugged the lawyer.

"Not an issue," said Avery, grinning. "Tell Mr. Tomlinson his paper is due Monday."

They all laughed.

"Well, I'm going to go and apologize to my mother for bringing her all the way here," said Niall, breathing out in relief.  "Ice cream later?"

"Anything, mate," said Harry. "Anything, since you guys won't be going to jail."

"I'll be back," said Zayn. He went running after Avery.

"Listen," said Zayn. "Mr. Stark. Did Gina really witness the murder?"

"Nope," said Avery, chuckling. "I took an educated guess as to what happened that night and told Gina to say exactly what I told her to."

"So she lied?" said Zayn, amused.

"A lie isn't a lie if no one knows the truth," said Avery. "Go on, meet your friends. Live your life. Jail can wait."

"Thanks," said Zayn. "We'll see you around."

Haha, guess what? These toddlers aren't going to jail. Predictable, I know :P I just don't find jail suits sexy!
  Anyway let's all say hallelujah and get ourselves some ice cream, yeah? Simon  (Satan) Cowell and Naughty Boy are going to jail and ot5 is together. *sigh* how I wish that would come true irl. Stick around for the epilogue. It's reeeaallly cheesy. You'll love it x

 You'll love it x

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