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The morning after, it was still raining. Simon adjusted his coat sleeves and stared into the distance. He was told from a friend of his that this lawyer was supposedly very good.

Suddenly, a scooter came speeding into view. Simon recognized Harry Styles and his other friend, getting off it.

They both came running inside, almost dashing into Simon. Harry wiped his wet curls aside and glared at him.

"I was hoping this wouldn't be the case," said Simon. "You were my favorites. The very fact that you two good boys got involved..shame.."

"It wouldn't have been if you hadn't killed your daughter," pointed out  Harry.

"Also, I don't go here," added Liam. "Try again if you're trying to threaten us, yeah?"

"No threats," said Simon, calmly. "All good will."

In the distance, Zayn and Niall were talking to their own lawyer. They both looked worried.

As they should be, thought Simon, calmly.

An hour later, everyone gathered into the courtroom. Simon had met Perkins and had faith she would do. He looked into the crowd and let out a small breath of relief. Shahid wasn't here, just as he had been instructed.
But Gina? What was she doing here?

On the opposite end, sat Zayn and Niall. Niall looked behind his shoulder to see who had decided to attend. He saw his parents and brother in the crowd. He lifted his hand to wave to them, but was blatantly ignored. He noticed Eleanor, who smiled at him and nudged at Andy to do the same. He did it, but it looked forced.

"Andy's here," said Niall. "Do you think the defence is using him?"

"Don't know," said Zayn. "But we're not. We promised we wouldn't bring him into this."

"I feel like if we did, this would've been over sooner," grumbled Niall.

"Louis' not here," said Zayn, his eyes scanning the crowd. He caught Liam's eye and mouthed "Where's Louis?"

"Long story." came the response.  Or at least that what he thought it was. He had never been good at lip- reading.

"Mrs. Cowell is here, too," said Niall.

Zayn nodded. He also observed a blonde in the crowd whom he recognised but couldn't exactly place from where.

He caught the Eagle's eye. Surprisingly, he too, smiled. Zayn turned back, disgusted.

Suddenly, the bailiff came forward and announced, "All rise. Department Two of the Supreme Court is now in session. Judge Wally presiding. Please be seated."

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen," said the old judge. Zayn wiped his sweat against his jeans. He noticed Niall twiddling his thumbs. Avery, next to Niall, opened up his opening statement. "Calling the case of People of Oakwood versus Niall Horan. Are both sides ready?"

"Ready for the people, Your Honour," said Avery, standing up.

On the other end, Perkins stood up too. "Ready for the defense, Your Honour."

"Will the clerk please swear on jury?" said the judge, putting his glasses on. Zayn glanced at the crowd again. Something wasn't right. Why was Louis absent? He wouldn't have missed today for the world. He caught Harry's eye and gave him a grim nod.

"Will the jury stand and each raise your right hand?" Said the clerk, with monotony that suggested he had been working there for years. "Do each of you swear..."

The clerk droned in while Zayn wondered about the possible reasons for Louis' absence. Was he sick? No, he would attend even if he had the goddamn flu.

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