chapter 6 : homicide

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the killing of one person by another.

Liam sat on the bed, patiently waiting for Niall to finish showering. The single room was neat - surprising, considering how people always assumed Niall was the messy one.
The blue walls were plastered with posters of boxing and music legends. Like Liam, Niall was a great fan of music. Living alone was expensive but Niall preferred it. The water stopped running but Niall didn't come out.

"Niall?" called out Liam in concern. "You okay, bud?"
"Yeah." came a muffled reply.
Niall stepped out, in a light blue shirt and his guitar shorts - a gift from Liam - water dripping from his hair. Liam smiled at the boy, whose hair appeared darker after a shower.

Niall came and seated himself beside Liam.
"I didn't do it." said Niall, after a while. "I thought about it a lot in the shower. For once I doubted myself. I know I don't have any memories of the previous night but I'm sure I didn't do it. I really liked her, Liam. I wouldn't do it."

"I know, Niall," said Liam, smiling. "I've known you for years now. I know you didn't do it."
"But the knife was in my hand." said Niall, softly. "The knife that took away her life."
"That doesn't mean you killed her," said Liam. "I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it soon, mate."

Suddenly, the door barged open.
"Ahoy, mateys!" announced Louis. His hair was back in the usual sideswept fringe and he was dressed in denim. He looked fresh and alive. Harry popped in from behind him, dressed in scrubs.
"This isn't an episode of House M.D!" joked Liam, pointing at Harry, gaining a small laugh from Niall.
"Not funny," said Harry. "I had to stop by the hospital before coming here."
"He dragged me with him," said Louis. He tossed a food package at Niall. "We brought food."
"Where's No-Show?" asked Harry, referring to Zayn. He dropped down on Niall's bean bag.
"He just texted me," said Liam. "He's on his way."


Zayn stepped inside his dorm, totally exhausted. The night had been difficult and several thoughts wouldn't stop running in his mind.
He walked down the long corridor to his room on the very end. He pushed the door open to see Andy stepping hard down on the wooden plank in the floor. The tall, brown haired man looked up at Zayn suddenly and gave him some sort of grin.
"Zayn!" he said. "I thought you weren't coming. The plank was loose so I thought of putting it in place."

"Needed to shower," said Zayn. He observed Andy was holding a photograph in his hand. The one with him and Cassie.
Following Zayn's gaze, Andy said, "Yeah I thought I'd get rid of that. Weird having a picture with a dead girl, innit?"
Zayn said nothing. He walked up to his bookshelf and took out another cigarette out.
"Hey, you mind if I shower first?" asked Andy. "I have to be in class, in like, fifteen minutes."

"Go ahead." said Zayn, lighting up a smoke.
"Thanks a billion, mate! You're a lifesaver!"
Zayn propped on his bed after Andy left. He picked up his phone. A text from Louis.
Stopping by Burger King! Want some?
He replied his order and suddenly put his phone down. He observed the plank Andy had been pushing down. All the wooden boards in their floor had been perfect. He noticed a screw had been removed from that particular plank, indicating that Andy had manually removed it himself.

Zayn leaned his head against the bathroom door. Andy was humming and the water was still running.

He went to the plank and used his force to pull it up. It came free. Inside the space was a phone.
Why was Andy hiding his phone in a wooden plank? He quickly put the phone inside his pocket. Andy had been acting weird. Jumpy, even. He barely grinned or acted cheerful which was why Zayn had chosen him as a roommate in the first place. But he had smiled when Zayn came home. He didn't mind having the photo around when Cassie was alive but he suddenly had a problem with being linked to her? He pushed the wooden board back into place. He walked back to his bookcase and pretended to be busy searching for a book at the sound of the bathroom door opening.

Andy stepped out. Zayn regarded him and nodded.
"Shower's free," said Andy.
"I think I'm going to have lunch first," said Zayn. "Lock up before you leave to class."

Zayn left the room, more thoughts rushing his mind. He would discuss it with his friends.


The girl walked quickly down the alley. She hadn't meant to stay for longer than a minute but she ended up watching the boys and the detective for way longer.
Eleanor clutched her coffee cup tightly, slightly spilling some of the hot drink on her finger. She gazed at her reflection in a nearby car's rearview mirror. She looked terrible. Her eyes were red and watery. She had even skipped class to follow the cop and those boys around.

"Eleanor Calder?"

Eleanor whirled around, coming face to face with a detective. The same one she spotted in the bar.

"Y-yes?" she squeaked.

"Detective Brooks from Oakwood P.D," said the woman. "Mind if we talk for a while?"

Doesn't Meritt Patterson look absolutely gorgeous in that picture?! Vote my story if you think she's pretty :P


Is Niall the killer?!
Why is Andy hiding a phone?! What is Andy up to? Is ANDY the killer?!
What's on Zayn's mind?
Where did Eleanor come from?!

Fear not, dearest reader, your thirst will be quenched in the upcoming chapters!

Leave me some nice comments? Thanks x

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