chapter 15 : death blow

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death blow
a stroke with a hand or weapon that causes death.

Liam grabbed Louis under his armpit. He had been shot in the side. The bullet wound had caused a red blob to spread over Louis's white shirt. He took off his denim jacket. His fingers gently grazed over the wound, his fingers dampened by the gushing blood. He quickly yanked a nearby hose and wet the jacket, pressing it to Louis' side. Louis groaned with pain.

"Harry?" Liam asked, urgently. He didn't know what the question signified - what do we do? Who was that? Where do we take Louis? Too much was happening at once.

"You have to get on..with the case.." groaned Louis. "Don't have much..time."

"And leave you bleeding here on the road?" demanded Harry. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm calling an ambulance."

"There's no need for that."

The boys turned around. There was another car. A beetle. Inside it was Caroline Watson.

"Load your friend up in the car, Styles," said Caroline. "And do it quick."

Wordlessly, Harry and Liam shifted Louis into the car.

"I'll take him to the hospital," said Caroline. "You get moving. Don't worry about the lad."

"Are you sure?" asked Harry, worried. "We could come -"

"Go!" yelled Louis. "I'll be fine. Just go."

They nodded.

"Thanks..Caroline.." said Harry.

"That's Dr.Watson for you," she said. And then she drove away.

"Liam, who was that? Khan?" asked Harry.

"Beats me. Didn't see the driver," said Liam, frowning. They picked up pace again. "Whoever it is, it looks like they're coming for us."

"We need to get to Gina's fast." said Harry. The boys took off.


A good ten minutes later, they reached the Cowells' front door.

"Wait," said Liam. "What if the Eagle is in there?"

Harry stopped.  "There's only one way to find out."
He began climbing up the creepers towards the top of the house.

"What are you bloody doing?" asked Liam. "I can see inside the house from here. The lights are off in his room and she's alone in the hall."

"How kind of you to tell me sooner," scoffed Harry, jumping back down.

They rang the doorbell. A middle aged woman came outside the house. She was blonde, with a few gray hairs.

"Gina Cowell?" asked Harry, as the door opened. The woman stared at the two boys and then saw the blood on their clothes.

"Who-What's happened to you?!" she said.

"Mrs. Cowell, we would love to explain," said Liam. "But it's been a hectic  night for us and we would love to ask you a few questions."

She paused. "Alright. Come on in."

The two boys stared at each other uncertainly and then followed the woman inside.


Somewhere on the other side, Louis was in a hospital room, getting a bullet out of his body.

In another side, Zayn and Niall waited for their trial.

And in another corner, the puppet master spoke into the phone, "It's done."

They were running out of time.

We are SO close to the ending and I'm really nervous and excited for you guys to read it!

Mind leaving a vote? And a nice comment? Maybe some get well soon wishes for our dearest Tommo?  :P

Haha, I'm sorry for that btw. He's my  favorite and it took me some convincing to shoot him! This chapter in its entirety is dedicated to him.

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