Chapter 41 - The Stand

Start from the beginning

I jumped up into the back and immediately started grabbing the ammunition and unloading it from the weapon. Screams and gunfire came from inside the prison and before long people came running outside. Glenn and Maggie started firing from their positions, aiming at their feet, not hitting a single person if it could be avoided.

That was the plan. Run them out. I had argued that we should just be aiming for them, the Governor in particular or else they'd just re group and come back.

I jumped down off the back of the truck with the ammunition and ran down the hill, dropping to the ground and lying on my stomach for cover as the terrified people of Woodbury ran for the vehicles. My movement was limited due to this stupid bullet proof vest I was forced into once again, but thankfully it was only the vest unlike Maggie and Glenn who were fully decked out in the gear.

"Hit it!" Martinez yelled to another man who had jumped into the back of the truck.

"The ammo's gone!" He yelled back.

I took aim and fired at the man on the back that I now recognised as the father that had come to the prison with Tyrese and Sasha. I hit his leg and he yelled out in pain before Martinez helped him down and over to another vehicle, throwing looks in the direction the bullet had come from but I stayed down and well hidden among the grass, the incline of the hill helping.

They had soon piled up into the cars, leaving the one with the rifle that had a blown tyre and took off down the road. I waited until the cars were well out of sight until I stood and started to make my way back up to the prison.

Glenn and Maggie stared at me as I made it to them and the others soon joined. I smiled contently and Maggie just rolled her eyes while Glenn shook his head with a small smile.

"We did it. We drove them out." Rick stated.

"We should go after them." Michonne said.

"We should finish it." Daryl nodded in agreement, the two of them wanting revenge for different reasons.

"It is finished." Maggie said. "Didn't you see them hightail it out of here?"

"They could regroup." Michonne said.

"And we won't be able to pull the same trick as we did this time." I agreed.

"We can't take the chance. He's not gonna stop." Glenn added.

"They're right." Carol turned to Rick. "We can't keep living like this."

"So we take the fight back to Woodbury? We barely made it back last time." Maggie informed.

"I don't care." Daryl shook his head. His want of revenge for Merle was clouding his judgement. Maggie wasn't wrong, but neither were we.

"We need a plan. We can't just charge in."

Rick nodded. "Let's check on the others." He then decided.

Rick led the group back to the cellblock where we would meet dad, Beth, Carl and Judith. Daryl stepped in front of me before I could follow after them, raising a hand to lift one of the chains of ammunition that hung over my shoulder. He raised his eyebrows obviously putting the pieces together.

"Come on." I sighed, pulling him along a little.

In the cellblock I was greeted by a hug from Beth.

"What's wrong?" I asked, immediately seeing some kind of concern on her face.

She threw a weary glance over her shoulder to where dad and Rick were talking and then at Carl as he walked past us.

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