Chapter 10. A new boy in my life.

Start from the beginning

I proceeded to make a pot of coffee and sat down as it brewed, I wish I had magic that would be awesome. I thought to myself and sighed angerliy, people never get what they want. I looked at the time bored, I knew I was forgeting something and wracked my brain for the answer I saw little Johnny roll through the living room on one of my skateboards and I gasped. 

That's it! I'm going to be late for work! I rushed up the stairs and looked over myself in the mirror my eyes wide. 

I looked through my closet and pulled on the first pair of pants I grabbed which happened to be my denim booty shorts, I slipped on a black tanktop and my red hoodie then my red and black checkered skating shoes I grabbed my fastest skate board that wasn't in the shop and bolted out the door I jumped on my motercycle and Dan came running out of the house.

"Where are you going!" He asked grumpyliy and a coy smile placed on my lips. "Work I'm going to be late, so I suggest if you value you're life you will move." I said and he smirked. "You're bike can't hurt me." He said being cocky and I growled a small snarl ripping through my throat. 

"No but I will kill you if my bike get's ruined when I run you over!" I snapped revved my engine and shot forward. Dan had barely enough time to jump out of the way. "I will visit you later!" He yelled and I increased my speed I rode past the speed limit breaking several laws but I made it to work just on time. 

"Fox! Where where you last weekend! It was hectic here." Jorden my boss said dissaprovingly and I smiled innocently. "I'm sorry Jorden, I forgot I had work... I did today too if it weren't for little Johnny riding a skateboard I never would have remebered!" I said and Jorden sighed trying not to smile, I knew him better then that and winked the corners of his mouth twitched but the stubborn look of annoyance stayed on his face. 

"I'm not fired am I?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Of course not! I wouldn't be able to keep this place running without you." He said and sent a small appologetic smile at me I grinned and got to work. I started with fixing boards that had come in needing repairs, I finished drawing a sick design on the wheels of a skate board just as the overhead bell rang. I looked up and saw a boy with long brown hair that hung to his shoulders, his whole look screamed skater boy and I grinned at him. 

"What did you do to my wheels?" He asked absently and I glanced at the board I had just been drawing sick designs on the wheels. "I drew on them, do you not like it? I can change the wheels free of charge of course." I said and the guy shook his head. "No I think the designs are sick... Did you do that?" The guy asked and leaned over the counter my collegue walked in and scowled at the guy leaning over the counter Rick told me a year back he was gay so I assumed he knew this guy. 

"Well I am skilled." I said cheekily. And Rick growled I looked at him and shot him a wtf face and he glowered at me and turned away. "Do you know my buddy Rick over there?" I asked and pointed to Rick the guy got a thoughtful look on his face his brow farrowing slightly. 

"No not that I can think of anyways." he said and I looked confused at Rick, he glared at me and I frowned. 

I started playing with my hair watching people skating outside.

"Hey are you there?" The guys asked and I jumped slightly. "Oh sorry I was watching people skate I wish I could but I'm on duty." I sighed and the guy chuckled. "I could take the blame for you." The guy said and I grinned at him. "I officaly love you right now!" I all but squealed. Rick who was passing by turned to us a frown on his face, he shook his head and continued his buisness. 

"Fox." I said holding out my hand to him. "Matt, so is that a yes foxy." He askd suductivly and I leanded closer to him. "Hell to the yeah!" I said and handed him his board I grabbed one of my many I kept here and followed him to the vetaran course with huge ledges, jumps, stairs and rails. 

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