Chapter 5. (Edited.)

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My mate rejected me, Bad move. 

Chapter 5.

So like today's theme is hot dogs! If you like hot dogs you should totally vote! pic of Dan on the right!!!!!!!!!


Tina's POV

I fell to the floor with a thump, my muscles were groaning with protest. "Are you okay Tina?" Mitch asked me. I shot off the floor and tried to kick his feet out from under him, he jumped into the air and that’s all I needed I did a fast round house kick while he was still midair and he went flying.

"Mitch?" I called when he didn't come back out of the bushes. "Mitch are you okay?!" I asked freaking out and running over there. A hand shot out of the bush and grabbed my ankle I fell to the floor and flipped sending a punch to whoever tripped me my leg came up and I heard a sickening crunch, when I heard a familiar groan. "Mitch? What the hell did you do that for? You scared the shit out of me!" I yelled at him. He grinned and my temper got even higher. "You haven't gone even close to your best in me, and you could still kick my ass. Tina that is amazing you haven't even gone wolf yet." Mitch said and little tears of happiness came to my eyes. "All that's left to do is wait for you to go wolf and work out, maybe go on a few dates?" He said I smiled and pulled him into a hug, his hand lifted my jaw and his lips crashed into mine.

When we pulled away for breath he laid his head on mine. "Hey Mitch if I ever asked you to help me break the bond with Jacob would you do it?" I asked looking into the distance. "I would want to so bad! But I only would if you were ready and right now I get the vibe you’re not ready." He said laying his jaw on my head. I pulled away from him and started walking away.

My breathing was hard and I felt a fire burning in my chest. "Wait Tina I am sorry I didn't mean. Tina!" Mitch ran up to my limp body small tears ran down my face. "Mitch it hurts." I said before my world became black.

(A couple hours later.)

I first felt the fire it burned in my chest then I felt the disgust and finally I felt a painful stab in my neck. I woke up tears streaming down my face my arm cracked and I couldn't make a noise, then all my bones cracked and shattered I didn't feel a thing. They shaped into the bones of a wolf and my face formed into a wolf face hair sprouted from my whole body my hands and feet became paws. Then I felt nothing, the change didn't hurt like people said it would.

I looked at my fur it was jet black with a long blue streak in it. I had never seen a wolf with a different color then there normal hair and never one with a streak in it. "Tina! Oh my god Tina I'm sorry I wasn't here when you shift, did it hurt, is that why you blacked out?" Mitch asked me, Dan grabbed my hand. I looked up and saw Mitch’s hard jaw clenched in concern, his prominent cheek bones seemingly had shadows under them his blue eyes gleamed in the light,

I shifted back into a human and lifted my hand grazing the stubble on his chin. He lowered his head and kissed me. "Oh my god you guys! Like get a like room like won't you?!" Dan said throwing me a night gown I blushed realizing I was naked. I slipped the night gown on and sighed. "Oh my god! Tina what did you do to your hair?" Dan asked I put my hand on my hair and it felt different like soft yet sexy if I could explain it like that. "Nothing what do you mean?" I asked and stood up walking to the mirror my hair was a jet black with a blue streak in it my hair was longer reaching about my hips. "Just like my wolf." I said touching my hair. Mitch came up behind me and kissed my neck. I shivered at his touch and I felt all hot. It wasn't a bad feeling it just was foreign to me; a moan escaped my lips as Mitch kept sucking. "Mitch I want it." I said leaning back into him.

My mate rejected me. Bad move.Where stories live. Discover now