Chapter 16

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I smile at Jimmy as he walks through the doors of the office. He comes to the front of my desk and says, "It's good to see you sitting at your desk and not passed out on the floor beside it."

I stick my tongue out at my little brother and say, "Very funny."

Jimmy laughs and then places a folder with a fair amount of paper in it on my desk. My eyes go wide but Jimmy just chuckles and says, "Yea, that's all the paperwork you have to fill out before they even consider you for the position. The CFD means business."

I let out a heavy breath and reply. "You don't say. Why so much?"

Jimmy shrugs and says, "Tyberg told me that the city requires a combination of general info, background checks, and general material they need you to complete. He also wants to make sure that the CFD can trust you."

I nod and then Jimmy says, "Oh, and he said that if you're hired you'll have more paperwork to fill out but this is the bare minimum for what he needs to hire you."

I sigh but Jimmy just laughs and says, "I'll let you get started on that because I need to hurry back to the firehouse. Have fun Addi!"

I groan as Jimmy softly kisses the top of my head and exits. I sigh as I pick up a black pen, open the folder, and begin to fill out my forms. At least the day has quieted down significantly so I can fill out the forms with minimal interruptions.

As I go through the forms I can't help thinking about how overly extensive and boring this is but then I remind myself that if I really want this position, the better hours, and the higher pay that comes with all of that then all of these papers will end up being worth it. All I have to do is fill out these forms. It may not seem like it, but I probably have the easiest part.


Thanks for 9 700 reads! -Becca

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