Chapter 29: Tent chatting

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Triggers? : sex and dicks are mentioned

"Tess", I heard a hoarse voice whisper. I opened my eyes to see Gerard. It had gotten darker. And a bit colder. "You fell asleep. Not for long, but it's time to go inside the tent." He giggled a bit. "We're alone right now", he whispered and smiled. "Where are the others?", I gasped. I was too sleepy to look shocked though I was. Where could they possibly be at... I don't know, perhaps it was 10pm. "Don't worry, they went down the road to the bathroom. But they just left, and they probably won't be home for another..." He paused, thinking for a moment. "Another 20 minutes."

We were still lying in front of the bonfire, which now only consisted of red and orange embers among fluffy white ashes. I looked up at Gerard, pressing my lips together. "Yeah, let's go inside the tent."

I kept eye contact with him, almost staring at him. "You okay?", he asked and rubbed my back. The friction warmed my skin. "Mmm", I mumbled and kept looking. "Why are you staring at me?", he said and giggled nervously. "I don't know", I said and looked away, also chuckling a bit. "Come on, let's go", Gerard said and got up from the ground, offered me a hand. I pulled myself up, and he took the blanket we'd been lying on.

I crawled inside the tent and turned on the flashlight, which hung from the ceiling of the tent. I wonder who put it there. Gerard shuffled around behind me. "Oh what a mess it is in here", he said and sighed. I nodded. It was still just a pile of blankets and pillows. My pillow from earlier was thrown in the corner. "Should we make all the beds?", I asked Gerard. "Would that be worth our while?", he said in a low, casual voice. He came closer and laid his arms around me. His face was close to mine. I felt his warm breath on my face. "What do you mean?", I said in a slightly nervous tone. "I dunno, I thought we could..." He glanced down at the floor. "Could what?", I whispered. "You know..." Gerard looked around, couldn't look me in the eyes. He blushed a bit. "Do the thing."


The thing.

And this thing was probably not the macarena dance.

I felt a knot tie itself in my stomach. My muscles tensed, my body felt weird and alien, I stuttered: "No, no, I mean, I don't kn-know, I don't feel ready, but-" "Shh", Gerard interrupted and placed his index finger on my lips. "A no is an answer. We won't do it if you're not sure." He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

I loved the feeling of his body pressed close to mine, but for now I'd prefer both our bodies to wear clothes.

"Wanna make all the beds then?", Gerard asked and started laughing. I couldn't resist laughing either, aw man, he is just perfect.

I hope nothing will come in our way.

He is so damn cute, always respectful and very forgiving.

I love him so much.

I sat down on the floor and started separating the pile of pillows and bunch of blankets. Gerard sat down next to me, but he seemed to melt. He laid down and looked at me. "So you gotta help me", I muttered and glanced over at Gerard. He nodded. "I think it'll be easy to guess what blankets and pillows are whose", he said and smiled. "Do you thi-" I started as I looked at the first blanket.

It was an old blanket with a dog on. There were even some dog hairs on it. I giggled, so did Gerard. "That must be Frank's", I mumbled and laid it next to Gerard. Frank was gonna sleep in the middle after all. "But wait we have to put the sleeping matts under the blankets", I said and sighed. "We can't sleep on the groundsheet. Would be rather uncomfortable I think..."

Gerard got up and helped me putting the mats and blankets in the right spots. We sat side by side and looked at our finished work. Mikey of course had his The Misfits blanket and pillow. Ray had his thin sleeping bag and Iron Maiden pillow. Frank his dog blanket and basic, grey pillow. It was quite dirty too. And then of course Gerard and I had our light grey and pink pillow and a thin grey duvet, which seemed to be made of an exquisite material.

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