Chapter 27: Together

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Trigger warnings: Scars, bruises and cutting are mentioned. By the way, this chapter is quite long.

Nothing and everything had happened the past month's time or so.

Frank had been happy all the time and often hung out with Gerard, when Mikey or I didn't. Also Frank's mom hadn't been beating him at all, so his face was actually free from any bruises or scars. The bruises from the fight faded away after some few days, but of course no one at school asked him about them.

Gerard had also been happy, and he seemed to light up whenever I came around. He would go from a mild smile to an adorable giggling or big smile so his small teeth showed. When the band played on Fridays, I often stayed over and slept next to Gerard. I felt safe and sound in his atmosfere. It was like nothing could harm us, as long as we were together.

Ray hadn't been around us much, which worried me a bit. But when he was around, he laughed and was silly. As always. I think he has been busy with the school, homework, and stuff. He was clever, but he really wanted to be better. He had also been hanging out a lot with his brothers, and I overheard some of the girls' gossip, hearing a rumour about Ray talked to one of the girls.

Nothing had really been nagging me though, especially because Mikey seemed to feel better as well. He smiled to me when I came by and stayed over. And in class we always sat together and helped each other. Frank didn't have so many classes with us at the moment. He was often alone, and though he said he was fine, I think he was a bit sad about it. But it only made him appreciate the classes and time he had with us more.

School for me had been great. I felt like I did something right for once. My grades were higher and the teachers seemed to care about me. Luckily they didn't care enough to find out about my scars or the fight. But they did know that Gerard and I were in a relationship.

I think everyone knew. It was obvious. We would sit next to each other at lunch, hold hands in the hallways, and give each other a quick kiss before going to our different classes. And the best thing about it was: no one seemed to care. At first the other students looked at us weirdly, but now it was just a part of their day.

But Daniel Jackson was still looking.

At first, when we saw him standing around the corner, or behind a door with his blue and red face and cast on his arm, we would get scared. We would run down the hallways if Frank wasn't with us. If we all walked together, we would just hurry up.

But now we just ignored him.

Gerard and I would swing our connected hands back and forth, smiling and giggling, not even noticing him. We didn't need his negativity in our lives. He could fuck off with his bad vibes.

But the most important thing that had happened, was:

The summer holiday had started.

And I had not been cutting myself at all.


The wind was warm. Not hot and unbearable, just a warm and nice breeze. I sat on the grass under the trees in the park. Waiting. I pulled grass up from the lawn, because I was so bored. I guess I came a bit early. But it didn't matter, the weather was perfect, I felt good and quite excited. All the boys were supposed to come to the park, so we could plan some kind of trip.

The boys always went somewhere in the summer, just some random place where they could have a bit of fun together.


Would it still be fun if I joined them?

I sighed and felt my heart drop.

But if they didn't like the idea of me going with them, they probably wouldn't have invited me to the planning of their trip. Yeah. I'm good. But they were late, what if they planned it all without me?

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