Chapter 25: Run and hide or fight and die

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Trigger warning: yelling, fighting, panic, blood

I heard a vague sound coming from the door. Knocking. I opened my eyes slightly and saw the door open. Mikey's face peeked out behind the door. He looked somewhat nervous, like he expected something gross in here. He glanced around and saw Gerard and I lay on the sofa, arms, and legs tangled together in a mess. We must have fallen asleep after the horror movie last night. It was getting late anyway. "Uh there's breakfast", Mikey whispered and stared at Gerard, who was still sleeping. I didn't know whether to answer Mikey or not. Like, it would be a bit awkward? After all, I was lying on top of his sleeping brother. "Okay", I just said and Mikey jumped. Apparently he hadn't noticed that I was awake. Oh well.

"Is Gerard awake?", Mikey whispered, hiding behind the door. I looked at Gerard. His mouth was wide open. I giggled, I got an idea. "Hmm I don't think so. He will be soon", I mumbled and stuck one of my fingers in his mouth. It was cold, but damp in there. His breath was warm. I touched his small white teeth before he noticed anything. He jumped up and made disgusted faces. When he realised what I had done, he started laughing.

He attacked me with hugs and pushed me down so I laid on my back. He crawled on top of me and kissed my forehead. I couldn't stop smiling when he just looked into my eyes. He was so beautiful. I'm lucky to have him. Gerard didn't say anything, he just started kissing me. Under my breath I whispered: "You know Mikey is standing at the door, right?" Gerard's face froze and he instantly blushed. His eyes were empty and embarrassed. He slowly moved away from me and stood up next to the sofa, still not looking at the door, where Mikey stood, blushing just as much as Gerard. Mikey's eyes were wide as if he had seen a ghost, but I guess this was just as bad and scary. Gerard helped me up from the sofa, but I couldn't stop giggling. Aw man, I love this. Gerard walked over to Mikey, almost walking past him, but he turned around and whispered into Mikey's ear: "Not a word to anyone. Just forget it." His voice sounded serious, almost threatening, but he was just trying to be that cool big brother. I smiled to Mikey, who looked confused as always.

At breakfast, Mikey and Gerard stared at each other the whole time. They were both blushing, but they kept glancing up at each other. Sometimes Gerard would furrow his brow at Mikey, just to underline that if Mikey said anything, he would be in trouble. Gerard wouldn't actually do anything, he would never harm his own brother. He was just trying to play cool, because he was so embarrassed. I don't see why, honestly I just thought it was hilarious.

"They probably had s-" "Mikey!", Gerard yelled and spat his cereal all over the table. "We did not..." Gerard was blushing like crazy, though you could barely hear Mikey's whispering. His yelling drew attention to it. "What?", their mother asked and smiled, looking over her shoulder. She was washing some dishes. She looked at Mikey and shook her head slightly. "Are you chewing your food noisily again, Mikey?" "No, I'm-" "Yeah, he is", Gerard said and grinned at Mikey. He looked embarrassed, sighed and stared at his cereal. Without further explanation, Mikey jumped off his chair and left the kitchen.

Gerard pushed my shoulder. "Saved us there", he chuckled. I silently mumbled. "I'll just go to the bathroom", I whispered and left the kitchen as well. It was a beautiful morning, I could see that through the dirty windows. I ran up the stairs and went down to Mikey's room. I feel like Gerard had abandoned Mikey lately, and we all know Mikey is a sensitive, but clever, boy.

I knocked on his door, whispering his name. "Mikey?" There was no answer, so I just walked in. He was sitting on the couch, his face buried in his hands. "It's your fault", he said without hesitation. My fault? I felt a bit shocked. Definitely didn't expect that.

"Mikey, it's-" "You stole my brother!" His eyes stared at me, but he looked away, when he realised that he had been yelling. "It's not like I stole him, Gerard is just not-.." I felt weak. "Aware. I don't think he knows that you're ... sad?" Mikey was still not looking at me. "No one is okay at the moment. We're all confused and-" "I'm not confused, I know Gerard doesn't pay attention to me anymore. He has you. He doesn't care about me anymore. Not since you and Frank broke up." "Mikey", I whispered and walked towards him, wanting to sit down next to him, but he jumped up from the couch and backed away from me.

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