The walk to school took longer than usual, due to the fact that every step was hell. Who knew something as simple as breathing could be this difficult? I was still there thirty minutes early, though. Thoughts of being forced to sing next Friday were swimming through my head and I immediately went into the school to find Josh. He wasn't in the music room when I walked in, though. I was a little disappointed. I was really hoping to talk to him about it. Ask him how he knew my band. I looked around for any sign that he was here, but found none.

My eyes drew to the piano across from me. It wouldn't really be that bad to play just a few keys?

I made my way over there slowly, checking behind me for someone who could be watching. I placed my bag on the floor and started the intro to Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, my karoke song. I wanted so badly to sing it, but I couldn't risk anyone hearing me. I didn't want to get into trouble. I played the whole song, and broke down a bit to hum at the end. I looked at the keys, for once considering that Friday thing. I would do it just to get a chance to see my guys. I missed them.

Someone slowly started clapping, the sound coming from right behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin, and I did fall off the bench. I caught myself on my hands and knees but wasted no time scrambling to my feet. My ribs and stomach lit up in pain and one arm instinctively wrapped itself around my waist protectively, the other one stabilizing me on a nearby chair back. My vision blurred for a moment.

Vic raised an eyebrow at me, smirking, "Calm down, hermano. It's just a song. You weren't caught doing drugs or anything," he laughed, then pulled out his cell phone. "I found him," he said after the person he was calling picked up. "Yeah, we're in the music room . . . Alright meet you there." He hung up, then picked up my back pack and threw it at me.

I gasped as I caught it and turned away as he walked to the other side of the room. I let the bag drop onto my support chair, then leaned against it, this time with both hands in front of me. I felt like I was going to throw up.

"C'mon loser let's go. Mike and-" I could feel the air behind me turn sour with concern. I  almost rolled my eyes, and I quickly composed myself, swinging my backpack around and up to my shoulders. I gritted my teeth and made my way to him with my head down. He didn't question me and I was pretty happy about that.

The walk to the math room was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. I was glad that I was with Vic because I wasn't sure if I could find my way there by myself. I felt pretty queasy the whole way, so I was keeping my eye out for a bathroom if I needed to jump in really quick. I didn't end up finding one, though.

We made it to the door and I followed Vic in. Mike waved at me enthusiastically.

"What were you doing in the music room, dude?" Jaime asked. I wondered if he was feeling better but didn't know if it was really my place to ask. I also didn't want to weird them out by writing it down and showing it to them. I wish I was comfortable talking like everyone else. I wished that I didn't have such an annoying voice.

I shrugged in answer to him and pulled out my iPod. I was starting to feel a little nervous and out of my element so I figured listening to my guys would be a pretty good idea.

"He was talking to Josh," Vic answered for me. "About the project." I spun to look at him, wondering why he was lying. Nonetheless, I was grateful for it. His face was impassive, though, so I was left with my confusion as he turned to his bag and started pulling things out. I plugged in one headphone and let Better Off Dead fill my ears. I winced as I heard myself start singing and tuned that part out. The background was so much better anyways.

I spent the rest of math class studiously doing the work Mr. Page had given us and not listening to a single word he said. I'd learned about this stuff ages ago. I sat and just listened to my music for a full twenty minutes at the end of class, having nothing else to work on. The bell rung and Mike, Jaime, and Tony did the pitch match thing again. They walked me to Ms. Perry's and Tony firmly told me to meet them in the cafeteria after her class was over. I nodded, though I felt a bit uneasy about it.

Ms. Perry's class was english and they were in the middle of reading this really horrible book. I hadn't even remembered the name of it and the reading she'd assigned last night for homework never got done. Not for lack of trying, I might add. I never got the chance to do my homework, I realized.

"Alright, children, open up your computers, I've emailed a link to a quiz on the reading from last night." I looked around uneasily. No one had mentioned needing a computer.

Everyone pulled out identical looking ones, though, so that gave me some hope that I wouldn't have to cough up the money for one myself. Or ask my parents. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote, 'I wasn't aware that we needed computers. I'm new here.' I raised my hand and Ms. Perry glared at me. "What?" she snapped, startling me. With shaking hands I held up my paper. Ms. Perry rolled her eyes and huffed, standing up quickly with a scowl on her face. She stomped over, "Mute boy, learn some manners!" She snatched the paper out of my hands and I shrunk back. The way she was so willingly insulting me was starting to get to me. My palms broke out in sweat and suddenly the walls felt way too close.

I quickly mapped the best way to a bathroom or something, but then I realized that I had no idea where one would be. Maybe I'd go to the music wing it was pretty chill down there. No one would have to see me.

Ms. Perry snapped in front of my face, bringing me back to the situation at hand, then pointed aggressively to the door, "I said take your stuff and go down to the computer lab. By tomorrow I expect you to have a sufficient computer to use while in my class. Did you not read the syllabus I gave to you yesterday?" Without waiting for an answer she stalked back to her overly organized desk and flopped down into her seat with another annoyed huff.

The whole situation had me on edge. I could practically feel my nerves fraying with each passing second I was in there with that woman. Still, though, I managed to walk calmly out of the classroom, then I bolted to the end of the hall, flew down the stairs and jumped into the music hallway before breaking down completely. 

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