I put all the paints and my gloves back in the bag before stepping back and looking at it. It was a self-portrait. It was the side on my face, turned so you could see my left side. My whole face was gray, and the only color I used blue, was a simple teardrop. The wall was skin-colored, so I only needed gray to make shadows around the edges. I painted in a neat cursive next to the face of The Shadow Girl. I grabbed my bag, smiling proudly.

Only took two hours this time. Then again, I didn't make it too descriptive.

"You sure know how to stir things, Kehlani." A voice says behind me, down the halls a little ways. I turn with a smirk, facing Ryder.

"Only few can achieve such," I say, putting the bag over my shoulder. He nods slowly, clapping dramatically. I give a huff/laugh. I start walking towards the exit, and he follows me. He pulls the bag from my shoulder, and we get to his truck. He puts the bag in the backseat before getting on the driver's side. I shrug to myself and get in too.

I look at Ryder in the car as he pulls out of the school, studying him. His eyebrow twitched, and I could tell he wanted to ask me something. His features are adorable. I'll admit, Ryder Flynn is one attractive guy. With his jawline to cut, deep green eyes, and black hair that just sucks you in, he's hands down probably the most attractive guy in town.

I wouldn't treat you like that. The words ring in my head. I feel warm, remembering. I smile, just looking at him. He's such a good person, such a good guy. He's the guy version of Ayla, only he doesn't do anything bad. Maybe drink every once in a while, but that's about it. Speaking of drinks... I think to myself, grabbing my bag from the backseat and opening it. He looks over at me for a second. I pull the vodka bottle out.

"Kehlani, no. You need to get over this." He says, trying to pull the drink away from me. I put it in between my thighs and close the bag. I grab the bottle after putting the bag back in the backseat and spin the top open. "Kehlani." He says again, his voice with a warning. I put my head on the window, on my side.

"I'm not about to try anything with you, Ryder. I... I just want to feel invincible. Just for a little while. I promise I won't put any moves on you." I say, shutting my eyes, the bottle left forgotten standing between my legs. He sighs. "Please," I beg, opening my eyes.

I see him nod. So I take the bottle and get myself wasted.


I groaned into the pillow. "Go away," I say to Karen, who's trying to set up a list of rules for me to start following. When she just continues, I sit up quickly, snatch it from her, and rip it in half. "Listen, Kare Bear, I'm not going to follow your stupid fucking rules. You aren't my boss, nor are you my father, or my mother- not that she cared what I did anyway. I'm kind of nursing a large handover here and I'd appreciate it if you shut the FUCK up and get the HELL out of my ROOM." I yell. I feel a stir in my stomach, so I run into the bathroom and start throwing up.

Warm hands pull my hair back. I can tell who it is just by the warmth. Ryder. I wish I could get someone like him as a boyfriend or something. I don't want to be stuck with Andrew. I hear my bedroom door slam, meaning Karen walked out. Ryder hands me toilet paper and I spit into it, shaking in disgust at the taste. He helps me stand and I brush my teeth quickly, cringing. My head is just pounding and pounding and pounding. God, it hurts. I start to walk to the door, but trip. Ryder catches me though, so I breathe out in relief. He carries me to the bed, throws back the blanket, and tucks me in like a child.

"I'll be right back." He assures me. He walks out, and Sam comes in. He frowns at me.

"You are so blind." He says, shaking his head.

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