The Princess of Morania

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Episode 13: The Princess of Morania

A young woman with dark hair and eyes of ice blue was walking in a forest. She carried with her what appeared to be a walking stick. The woman showed no fear. She walked with courage.

She laughed as a rabbit jumped into the path in front of her. "Hello, Thumper."

The rabbit quickly hopped out of view.

Veena smiled. This forest felt right somehow. This was where she had been found when she was two. All she could remember was she didn't belong here, and that she was here for her safety. Someone was after her.

She could remember a woman; she knew it had to be her mother, carrying her as she fled a world of ice and snow. Then another woman in an Egyptian like headdress. A room filled light and her crying.

Veena shook her head. The memories were fuzzy, but she held to them. Lately she had been having dreams about a guy at times looked and dressed like Conan. But he had blonde hair and blues. The rest of the time he looked like a regular teenager, but with the same hair and eyes. She had never been interested in any guys, but something about the guy in her dreams made her want to find him.

Veena continued on her way. Those eyes were what haunted her. It was as if she had seen them before. But Veena knew she had not. She didn't know anyone with those eyes.


King Moraius of Morania sat on his throne. The man who had once threatened his family was now dead, but his son was after the throne. Everyone believed the Princess and Queen were dead, but he knew better. Gwendolyn would take Veena somewhere safe and both would return someday when it was safe for both.

He remembered the last yearly message with Randor. Of course since then Randor's daughter and been returned to him, while he was without his.

Moraius sighed. He had heard that Randor's son, Adam, was a coward, but Randor had told him Adam was a surprise at times. At times he was wise beyond his years, while at others he was like any other young person. If Veena did return could he allow her to wed him. Of course if she loved the boy then he wouldn't tell her no.

He just wanted to see her. To see if she still looked like her mother.


Gwendolyn stood beside the Blue flame. It allowed her to know what was going on in the world beyond. She had imprisoned herself here until her daughter had returned to Eternia. She could thanks to the flame see her daughter at times.

Gwendolyn knew her daughter's power were weak on that world, but she had them. They had caused her problems, but she had kept them. Also she knew about the dreams.

Gwendolyn was one of the few who knew that Prince Adam and He-man were the same. She watched the young man that already held her daughter's heart in his hands. He was just what she needed. And she was what he needed. Gwendolyn sighed and looked into the flame.

Prince Adam laid on the straw in the Royal Stables with Cringer. He knew that no one on Eternia would willingly wed him. All believed he was a coward. He wished he could tell one person his secret. He wanted someone to love him for him not because of his title.


The Sorceress of Grayskull stood inside the Transportation room. She knew that it was time to return the Princess of Morania to her home. Prince Adam was already beginning to wonder who would love if everyone thought he was a coward. He had no need to worry. He already loved a young woman he had saw in a dream, but had forgotten. While she had dreams of him and remembered.

She began to cast the return spell. The Sorceress could only hope that Veena would enter the gateway.

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