Journey to Etheria

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Episode 9: Journey to Etheria

Prince Adam stood inside the library of Castle Grayskull. The Sorceress was looking through all of the books trying to find a way to follow Hordak.

She had to discover a way to follow him. King Randor's life depended on it, as did the future of Eternia. She finally found the spell. A spell she had not used since sending her dearest friend's daughter. Quickly, she led Prince Adam to the secret room of transportation.

Adam looked around the room. He could hear a faint cry like a child calling to its mother. He glanced at the Sorceress.

"Before I send you. I have another mission for you."

He watched as she brought her hand in front of her and opened them. In between her hands was a smaller version of his sword.

"The owner of this sword is on the world you are going. You must find the owner along with your father."

Adam nodded. "How will I know the person is the owner?"

"The sword will let you know. We must hurry. Step into the circle. When you are ready to return contact me with your sword. I will be able to bring you back with it."

Adam nodded. He and Cringer did as the Sorceress commanded.

She began to chant. A light began around the circle. Soon the light filled the room.

Adam looked around him. The world he was on seemed colder. He glanced down at Cringer who was shaking with fear. "It's all right, Cring. Lets go to this town and see what we can find." Adam walked towards the town with Cringer behind him.

The town of Thaymor was quiet. No one broke the laws of the Horde. The townspeople were afraid. They had lost their homes to the invasion long ago. For as long as any could remember the Horde had been on Eternia, but they had taken kingdom-by-kingdom over.

Adam looked around the town. None of the people around him came to greet him. He thought the townspeople were shy. Then he noticed an inn. Adam led Cringer to the Laughing Swan Inn.

Adam sat at a table. In the middle of the room was a bard. He was playing music. Suddenly two Horde Troopers came into the building. Adam watched as the feeling in the room went from warm and welcoming to cold and fearful.

The Horde Troopers began to threaten the bard. None of the townspeople went to his aid. Adam finally had enough. He stood up.

"Leave him alone."

The Troopers looked Adam up and down. One nudged the other. "This little guy thinks he can stop us."

Adam smirked as the Troopers tried to get him. Suddenly another patron of the Inn came to his aid. After they defeated the Troopers, the patron led Adam outside.

"I'm glad someone in this town has courage."

"I'm not from around here."

The patron nodded. "I'm Bow."


Bow nodded and glanced at the owl like creature on his shoulder. "I think we should take him to the Whispering Woods, Kowl."

Kowl glanced at Adam. "If the Woods allow him entrance, you mean."

Bow smiled at Adam. "Come with me."


Randor shagged in his chains. He should have thought Hordak would try something like this. Now his son would have to rule in his place, but at least Hordak could not return to Eternia thanks to He-man.

If he could only see his daughter before he died.

Hordak sat in his throne. Imp stood on one of the armrest. Both looked bored. Suddenly Shadow Weaver entered the room. Hordak sat up.

"What is it, Weaver?"

"Someone has come from Eternia, but I can not find them. I believe they are in the Whispering Woods."

Hordak stood up. "Could it be He-man?"

"I do not know, Lord Hordak."

"I have heard of some rebels attacking Horde Troopers in Thaymor. I will send Force Captain Adora to deal with it. I believe she will come to the best conclusion to deal with the town."

"I will tell her immediately, My Lord."

"Do, Weaver. I want you discover who it is that came from Eternia."


Adam, Bow, Kowl, and Cringer walked into the Rebel Camp deep inside Whispering Woods. Bow led Adam to a young woman with light brown hair. She smiled at Bow and Adam.

"Bow, who is this?"

"Princess Glimmer, this is Adam. He helped me take on some Troopers in Thaymor."

Glimmer nodded. "Welcome to the Great Rebellion, Adam."

Adam looked around him. The camp was small. "Thank you."

Glimmer smiled. "It isn't really great at the moment, but we are working on it."

Adam smiled at the Princess. Suddenly he heard a sound above him. The three looked up to see a woman on a broom coming towards them. They stepped quickly out of the way and she crashed landed.

She sat on the ground trying to get her bearings while the broom stood up.

Glimmer moved towards her. "Madame Razz, are you all right?"

Madame Razz shook her head. "I'm fine. I have news. Thaymor's people are being sold to slavers. Something about Rebels attacking Horde Troopers."

Glimmer looked at Bow. "Took care of them huh? We have to do something."

"I have a friend who can help."

Glimmer looked at him. "Really? Can you get him? We can only do so much, but we are going to try and help them."

Adam nodded. "I'll go find him. The rest of you go on ahead."

Glimmer nodded. She turned to the small force. "We must help the people of Thaymor."

The Rebellion followed her towards Thaymor leaving Adam and Cringer all alone. Adam glanced down at Cringer.

"Well let's go find our friend."

They hid behind a hut and transformed.

The Great Rebellion fought against the Horde. Force Captain Adora could almost admire their spirit, but she couldn't understand why they were fighting against the Horde. Suddenly a massive roar came from a hill. She looked and froze. It was the man from the Palace of Eternia. The man who had sent her master back here without freeing the people of Eternia.

She refused to allow him to gain power on her world.

He-man charged forward. Glimmer and Bow looked at him in awe. He-man stopped Battlecat before them.

"Who are you?"

"I am He-man. Adam's friend."

Glimmer and Bow nodded. Glimmer smiled. "Thank you for coming."

He-man jumped off of Battlecat's back and faced the Horde Troopers. Most remember him from Eternia and refused to fight him.

The Rebellion fought on. He-man fought against Catra until she turned into her cat form, then Battlecat took over. He then followed the mysterious woman with blonde hair.

Force Captain Adora stood with her blaster at the rebel from Eternia. He stood with his sword drawn. She could not think of a way to defend herself against him.

He-man began to feel the other sword to vibrate. He slowly drew it. As it neared the woman, it began to glow.

"You. The sword belongs to you."

Suddenly He-man fell forward unconscious. Force Captain Adora picked up the glowing sword as three Horde Troopers picked up He-man.

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