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Episode 1: Celebration

The kingdom of Eternia was celebrating. King Hiss and his Snake Men had been defeated. Of course Skeletor was still in Snake Mountain.

Prince Adam stood beside Cringer. He watched the people around him celebrating. All wanted to thank He-man, but none knew he was watching them.

Adam sighed. Hiding the secret was getting harder and harder. He wanted his friends and family to know he wasn't a coward, but the greatest hero.

Man-at-Arms walked up to the prince. "What's wrong, Adam?"

Adam glanced at his mentor. "I'm thinking about our friend."

Man-at-Arms nodded. "Lets go to my workshop."

Adam and Cringer followed Man-at-Arms away from the merriment.

Man-at-Arms sat on his work stool and faced the prince. Adam stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Adam, what is it?"

"I think it is too soon to be celebrating."

Man-at-Arms nodded. "I agree. I don't think King Hiss is dead."

"Not about him. Skeletor is still out there and then there is Hordak."

"HORDAK!? When...where did you hear that name?"

"The Sorceress. I fear someone will try to allow him to return here."

Man-at-Arms stood up. "I thought you told me Skeletor destroyed his sanctuary."

"He did, but I think someone wants him to come here."


"Just who I was thinking. We need to be careful."

"I'll warn the other Masters. Adam, relax a bit. Celebrate the defeat of King Hiss."

Adam sighed and nodded his head. Then he and Cringer left. Man-at-Arms returned to his stool. Things were a lot more complicated now.

Queen Marlena stood in the royal gardens. Others celebrated, but she was mourning. It was almost Adam's seventeenth birthday. Another year with out knowing. Another year of pretending. It was draining her. What kind of mother was she to allow her child to be taken?

Prince Adam spared against his best friend, Teela. After a few minutes, Adam was able to knock her off her feet and win the match.

He glanced over at his father and Man-at-Arms. Then he helped Teela to her feet.

King Randor sighed. "Adam is getting better, but I fear it will not be enough."

"Your Majesty, I believe He-man will help us if he returns."

"Duncan, don't say a word of this to Marlena."

"I won't. I promise."

The Sorceress of Grayskull stood with her head hung. She could relate in a way with her sister-in-law. Although she got to see her daughter, at times she felt as if her daughter was gone.

The Sorceress watched Marlena standing in the Royal Gardens. Both women mourned the fact neither were able to raise their daughter. One had only hope and faith that her daughter was still alive.

Skeletor sat on his throne. His forces were surrounding him. Finally the Snake Men were destroyed.

Evil-lyn stood near the doorway. One of her hopeful allies was gone, but if she released Hordak he would give her more power. She smirked as she quietly sneaked away. No one noticed as she secretly left Snake Mountain.

Masters of The Universe (2002) Season 3Where stories live. Discover now