The Return of Hordak

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Episode 6: The Return of Hordak

King Randor and Queen Marlena stood inside a bedchamber within the Palace. A bedchamber created for someone very dear to the royal couple. Just down the hall was the room prepared for Adam's betroth when she returned. Marlena sat on the edge of the bed.

"Randor, she is never coming home."

Randor moved towards his wife. "Marlena, she will come home. Don't lose hope."

Marlena began to cry. "Randor, Moraius has no idea where Gwen or his daughter is."

"I think it is odd we know they had a daughter, but we can't remember her name."

"Gwen, must have done it for her daughter's protection. I do the same if I had that man after her."

Randor sat beside his wife. "Marlena, somehow she will come home to us."


Evil-lyn along with the re-cursed Count Marzo headed towards the Well of Darkness to allow Hordak to return to Eternia. The two walked in shadow, but their plan was not a secret.


Skeletor stood inside Snake Mountain. Evil-lyn was planning to release Hordak. He needed help stopping her. Skeletor sighed. Only one person could help him and he hated to admit it. He needed He-man's help. Skeletor knew both of them would not want Hordak on Eternia. But how to reach him?


Prince Adam stood inside the communication room. His father had just received a message from someone no one would believe. Skeletor. He wanted He-man's help in preventing Hordak's return.

King Randor turned to look at Man-at-Arms. "Do you think it is a trap?"

"No. Not even Skeletor wants him to return. I will find He-man, My king. I will tell him about this."

Randor nodded and stood up from his chair. "Good. I want word of what he decides to do."

Adam watched as his father left. Leaving him with Duncan, Adam walked towards him.

"What will He-man do?"

"I believe he will go and talk to Skeletor. Not alone, but I think working with him at least with this is a good thing."

Adam nodded. "I guess we have to ask his opinion first."

Duncan nodded. Adam and he left the communications room and headed to his workshop.

Adam hid behind a part of the building. He raised his sword.

"By the Power of Grayskull."


He-man stood inside the workshop listening to the other Masters. Each had their own opinion on the matter. He stood listening to them. Only Duncan knew he had already made his mind.

"I'm going to meet with him. Only Duncan is coming with me. If the rest of you come, he may attack. I want to hear his side first."

Stratos nodded. "I understand, but I don't feel right letting just the two of you go alone."

The others nodded in agreement. Teela moved closer to her father. "It feels like a trap to me."

Fristo glanced at Sy-Klone. "It might be, but He-man and your father can deal with it."

Teela glanced at Fristo. He had been treating her differently lately. "I have no doubts about my father and He-man dealing with a trap. It just doesn't feel right letting them go alone."

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