The Horde Attacks

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Episode 8: The Horde Attacks

The Palace guards stood ready for battle. The Masters were waiting. He-man stood beside King Randor.

They all watched as The Horde came nearer to the Palace. Randor sighed. He had finally gotten Marlena to flee. Now he stood ready to face this force.

He-man sighed and glanced over at Battlecat. Battlecat stood watching the force advance. He-man began to worry. King Grayskull had died doing the very thing he was about to do. Would he end up like his ancestor?

He-man, do not worry. You will not share the same fate as King Grayskull. But Hordak will be surprised to see you. Use that to your advantage.

He-man walked towards Battlecat. "Let's get ready, Old Friend."

Battlecat nodded. He-man jumped onto his back, and the two moved to be at the gate.


Hordak smiled from the end of The Horde. Before him his troops were advancing on the Palace. Force Captain Adora's plan seemed to be a success. He wasn't worried about this He-man, Evil-lyn had told him about.

His forces were now at the gates. He watched as the gates opened and froze. There on a green tiger could have been Grayskull's double. The man charged forward against them.

He glanced at Evil-lyn beside him. "Who is that?"

"That is He-man."

Hordak laughed. Things had become much more fun now.


He-man charged forward leading the Masters. He had a vogue idea who the higher ranks were. But he fought anyone coming near him.

The others did the same.

Suddenly, He-man stopped. In front of him, on a white horse was a woman with blonde hair.

She looked at him. He looked at her. Then she charged leading what appeared to be more advance troops.

Something told him not to attack her. So He-man attacked the troops. They were of course no match for him.

Force Captain Adora watched as the leader of the fighter did short work with her advance troops. Who was this strange man? Why did she feel as if she should not attack him? She shook the feeling off and went to finish Hordak's orders with Catra and Scorpia.


He-man advanced through the ranks of the Horde and soon stood face to face with Hordak.

Hordak looked at him. "So you are He-man."


"You don't only look like him. You sound like him."

"King Hiss said the same thing."

"Ah, yes. Evil-lyn did mention you defeated King Hiss. I must say you did a better job than I did."

He-man watched Hordak. He couldn't trust him for a moment. This was the being that had killed his ancestor.

Suddenly he could feel Hordak drawing his power. He raised his sword, just before Hordak let lose a power wave towards him. Unlike King Grayskull, He-man stood firm.

Hordak stood in shock at He-man. He-man raised his sword. He felt power unlike he had ever felt before come through him.

The Sorceress watched as He-man used the attack that King Grayskull had used on Hordak. Hordak disappeared. She knew it was not over. Yes he had been sent back to where he had come from, but He-man would have to follow. Both his father and sister needed him.

The Masters were celebrating. Hordak was gone. Until Orko came flying towards them.

"They got the King!"

Masters of The Universe (2002) Season 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz