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Episode 3: Seventeen

Adam watched the sun slowly begin to rise. It was his seventeenth birthday. A full year of being He-man. But he wanted more. At his age, he should at least have a queen decided on. Many of the nobles were so unkindly pointing it out. He had thought about Teela, but something didn't feel right. Sighing he took one last look at the rising sun and walked back inside the Palace.


Randor sighed as he ended the videoconference with King Moraius of Morainia. Every year on this day the two kings would contact each other. Both on this day thought of his daughter.

Randor placed his face into his hands. He was beginning to feel the drain like his queen. It had been seventeen years since he had seen his daughter while for Moraius it had been fifth teen.


Adam hid with Cringer inside the stables. There would be another party to celebrate his birthday. This year he didn't want to go. He didn't feel right. It was as if half of him was missing.

Sighing Adam slide down the wall of the stable. Over the past few months he had begun to feel as if his queen was out there, but out of reach.


Teela was looking everywhere for Adam. His birthday party was going to begin soon. Where was he? It was almost like last year.

Randor and Marlena sat on their thrones. Around them the nobility of Eternia chatted and mingled. Both knew Teela was looking for Adam. And both hoped he wasn't asleep like last year.

They watched as Orko tried to entertained the people.

Skeletor and his forces travelled from the Dark hemisphere into the Light. He hoped that Prince Adam's birthday would cause everyone to have their guard down. Just like the year before. Of course he wanted to try on the anniversary of escaping his prison.

Teela opened the sables' door. She walked in and looked in every stall. No Adam. "Where is he?"


Adam stood with Cringer on the beach below the Palace. He looked out across the Sea of Rakash.

"Adam, everyone is looking for you."

Adam turned to see Duncan coming towards him. "I know, but I don't want to go."

"As prince..."

"I know. I must perform for the people. I just don't feel like going up there."

Duncan sighed. "I know, Adam. But you have to."

Adam sighed. "All right."

Adam followed Duncan up the path towards the Palace.


The nobility cheered as Adam walked in. He nodded vaguely to them and walked towards his parents. Randor and Marlena nodded to him.

Adam began to unwrap his gifts as he sat beside his massive cake.

The Sorceress sat on the throne upon the pyramid. She watched her magic screen showing her all of Eternia. Suddenly it showed her Castle Grayskull and Skeletor's forces coming towards the Castle.

Adam was opening his last gift. He wanted nothing more than to be done and flee.

Prince Adam, He-man is needed. Skeletor is about to attack Castle Grayskull.

He stood up and quickly left. Duncan followed him, as did Cringer. Adam quickly made his way to Man-at-Arms's workshop.

"Adam, what is it?"

"Grayskull is about to be attacked. I have to go."

Duncan nodded as Adam transformed and then Cringer.

He-man raced toward Castle Grayskull with the Masters not to far behind him.

Skeletor stood beside Panthor. The massive purple cat watched his master. Evil-lyn moved towards Skeletor.

"When do you plan to attack, Skeletor? The Masters could be on their way."

Skeletor looked back at Evil-lyn. "True. So let us begin."

Skeletor and his forces began to move closer to Grayskull.

Skeletor and Evil-lyn tried to force the drawbridge down, but it refused to move. Suddenly a force field surrounded the Castle.

Skeletor glanced back at Evil-lyn and Tri-Klops. "Well keep trying."

Suddenly a roar was heard. They turned to watch He-man and the Masters coming towards them.

He-man drew his sword and Battle cat raced towards the villains. The other Masters aboard Battle Hawks and Dragon Walkers were preparing for battle.

He-man jumped off of Battle cat's back and stood in front of Skeletor. Battle cat took a position in front of Panthor.

The two massive cats attacked each other as their masters fought. The Masters attacked Skeletor's forces.

He-man pushed Skeletor backed. The Overlord of Evil was slowly losing. He tried to gather his power, but He-man pushed him with his. Thus forcing Skeletor backwards.

Skeletor landed. Quickly he looked around him. He gestured with his hand. Panthor stopped fighting Battlecat and went to his master. Skeletor jumped on his back and Panthor ran away.

Soon the other villains were following him. The Masters watched as they fled.

Adam stood on the balcony outside the throne room. He looked out over the view before him. The party was over. The nobility had returned to their homes. Cringer lay at his feet.

Now that he was seventeen, he would need to find someone to rule beside him, but who. Who was the woman that was meant to rule by his side?

Masters of The Universe (2002) Season 3Where stories live. Discover now