"For The Honor of Grayskull"

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Episode 11: "For The Honor of Grayskull"

Force Captain Adora hid in the reeds near a workers camp. She watched as an elderly man was pushed and mistreated by Horde Troopers. She stood up and silently made her way back to Spirit, her mare.

She petted Spirit's neck. "He was right. The Horde is horrible."

Spirit nudged her with her muzzle.

Adora sighed. "What does it all mean?"

Suddenly the sword on her back began to glow and lift out and floated in front of her. The jewel in the hilt began to glow brighter. Inside the jewel she could see a woman.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, Adora. I am known as the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull."

"All right. What is going on?"

"You have seen the evil of the Horde have you not?"


"You wish to help the people of Etheria and rescues He-man?"

"Yes. But I'm no match for the Horde."

"I will explain in time, but first I must tell you your story."

"My story?"

"Yes, your story. The story of how you came here, and who your family is."

"My family?"

"Yes, your parents and brother."

"Brother? Wait tell me how I came here."

"As you wish, Adora. You are the daughter of King Randor and Queen Marlena of Eternia. When you were barely three months old, Keldor kidnapped you. He offered you to Hordak in return for more power. Hordak took you and gave Keldor more power."

"Who is Keldor?"

"He is now called Skeletor. He wants to rule Eternia."

"Wait, King Randor. Hordak is holding him prisoner!"

"Adora, where is He-man?"

"He is also a prisoner."

"First you must free He-man. He is your brother."

"My brother?"

"I will explain more later. You are destined to protect the good in the universe as She-ra."

The Sorceress vanished from the jewel and the sword fell to the ground in front of Adora. She bent down and held up the sword.

"For the honor of Grayskull!"

The ground began to shake. A flash of light and Adora disappeared. Spirit called out in fright, but didn't move. The light disappeared and in Adora's place stood an older woman. She stood in a Xenia like outfit, but instead of being black it was white. The top of the outfit was a sweetheart neckline. In the middle of the neckline, was a jewel. A red cape draped behind her. She wore a golden headdress that looked like a pair of wings with a jewel on her forehead.

Spirit sniffed the air. The woman looked at her. "It's me, Spirit." She aimed the sword unknowly at Spirit. A blast of light white went from the sword and surrounded Spirit.

A flash of light appeared around the mare. In Spirit's place, stood a unicorn Pegasus with multicolour wings.

"What is going on?"

-------It's still me, She-ra. Call me Swiftwind.----

"Oh. I can talk to animals. We better hurry."

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