Almost Free

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Episode 10: Almost Free

He-man slowly woke up. He's head pounded.

"You're finally awake."

He-man glanced at the open door of the cell. The woman with blonde hair stood looking at him holding the smaller sword. She walked in and the door closed behind her.

He looked at her. She looked at him.

"This sword is odd. I have never seen it before yet it feels as if it belongs to me."

"I don't understand. The sword is for a champion of good not of evil."

"Evil? The Horde is the rightful ruler of Etheria. The people love us."

"Do they? Who are you?"

"I am Adora."

"I am He-man."

She nodded. "What did you me do they?"

"Do you really believe the Horde is loved by the people?"


"Have you asked any one?"

"No, Lord Hordak has told me so."

"Adora, you should go out and discover the truth for yourself. To see if the Horde is what you believe it to be."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I have the match to that sword. It must mean something."

Adora vaguely nodded and left the cell. He-man sighed. He hoped his friends could release him soon.

Adora walked slowly carrying the strange sword in her hand. She placed it in to the holder on her back. Then she made her way to the stables. She mounted her mare, Spirit, and left to discover if He-man was correct.


Shadow Weaver looked down at the Power Sword. The sword had released a blast of power preventing her from learning anything from it. She had dropped it and now the sword laid on the floor. She glanced up a Hordak on his throne.

"This sword has power."

Hordak glanced down at it. "It looks like King Grayskull's sword."

"My lord, who was King Grayskull?"

Hordak settled in his throne. "He was the king who banished me here. I didn't see his true power until it was too late. Of course it cost him his life."

Shadow Weaver nodded and looked at the sword again. "I can not touch it. It will not allow me to."

Hordak stood up and walked to the sword. He reached down to pick it up. A jolt came at him. He recognized the power in the sword. "This is Grayskull's power. How is using it?"

"I don't know, my lord, but I will find out."

Hordak nodded and returned to his throne. "Do so, Weaver, and report to me as soon as you can."


Glimmer and Bow stood inside the Rebel camp. Everyone was trying to think of a way to save He-man.

"First, we need to figure out where they took him."

Glimmer sighed. "You know they took him to Beast Island. They take all prisoners there. Except for the really important ones."

Bow nodded. "So who should go after him?"

"You, me, and Battlecat."

Madame Razz walked up. "What about me, deary?"

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