Family Reunited

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Episode 12: Family Reunited

Queen Marlena sat on her throne. She was trying to be strong, but her husband and son were missing. Everyone knew what had happened with Randor, but no one knew what had happened to Adam.

Suddenly the throne room doors opened and Randor, Adam, and a strange young woman walked in. Marlena stood up and ran to Randor.

She hugged her husband and son. "You're safe. I was so worried." She released them and looked at the young woman. "Who is this?"

"Marlena, this is Adora."

"Adora?" Marlena began to cry. "My little girl." Marlena hugged her daughter. Adora joined her mother.


Marlena slowly released Adora. "I thought I would never see you again."

Duncan and Teela walked in. Duncan took one look at Adora and smiled.

"Welcome home, Adora."

Marlena looked at him. "How did you know?"

"She looks like Adam."

Marlena smiled. "She is his twin sister."

Teela looked at the queen and then at her father. "Adam has a twin sister?"

"Yes, Teela. He does. She was kidnapped at about two months old by Keldor."

Adora hung her head. "I can only visit for a short time. I must return to Etheria and help right the wrong I've caused."

Marlena looked at her daughter. "Tell me everything. Come I'll take you to your room."

"My room?"

"I had a room just for you created. I had to be prepared for when you came home."

Marlena led Adora away.

Later that night, the royal family sat in the dinning room. Randor smiled as he finally had his family together, but he couldn't help but remember that his dearest friend was still without his.

Moraius would be dining alone. Not knowing where his wife and daughter where. Randor sighed and looked around him. Marlena was chatting with Adora. It was almost as if Adora had never been taken away.

Adam watched his mother and sister. He glanced over at Duncan to his right. He leaned close to him and whispered.

"Hordak will come after her. Once he discovers she has switched sides."

Duncan nodded. "True. What does the Sorceress say?"

"She is watching. If she finds Hordak trying to invade Eternia she will send word."

"Relax till then, Adam. This is a happy occasion."

Adam sat in his chair straight. He couldn't relax. Hordak would soon be coming to try and force his sister to rejoin the Horde. He had to protect her and Eternia from him. Adora didn't know the history between their family and him as he did. So she had no idea about his hatred of them.

Father and son both watched and joined in with mother and daughter.

The Sorceress watched all the channels she could to watch for any sign of Hordak. Like Adam she worried about his trying to come after Adora, but he would also wants his revenge against the family of King Grayskull. He would continue trying to gain it as long as the bloodline existed.

Adam leaned against the Palace wall. He watched as the setting sun slowly went behind the sea. He closed his eyes as Teela came around the corner.

"There you are. Why are you out here?"


"Adam, what is really wrong?"

"Nothing, Teela."


--------Prince Adam, You and Adora must come to Castle Grayskull immediately.------

Adam opened his eyes. "I have to go, Teela."

He walked past her leaving her to wonder what was going on with her best friend.

Adora stood on the balcony outside the throne room. She had enjoyed the visit with her family, but she wished to return to Etheria to help right the wrongs she had caused to the world as part of the Horde.

She just could not come up with a way to tell her parents.


She turned to watch her brother coming towards her. "What is it, Adam?"

He got on to the balcony and moved closer to her. He whispered to her, "The Sorceress needs us at Grayskull. I believe tiger and Pegasus is the best way to travel." Adora nodded and followed her brother into the stables.

Sometime later He-man and She-ra entered Castle Grayskull. The Sorceress greeted them.

"Wonderful. You must return to Etheria. Hordak has found a spell that will allow him to return to Eternia. He wishes to gain revenge against your family."

She-ra moved closer to the Sorceress. "Why does he want revenge?"

"It was your ancestor King Grayskull that defeated him and sent him to Despondos. I still do not know how he got of that place."

"I do. Shadow Weaver freed him in exchange for power. She never gained all of it. That sound almost like Skeletor."

He-man nodded. "We will do our best, Sorceress."

She nodded. "Very well. Follow me."


She-ra, Swiftwind, He-man, and Battlecat stood inside the Whispering Woods. After explaining what was going on, Glimmer and the other Rebels agreed to help.

Soon the Rebels and heroes made their way towards Hordak's castle.

Hordak stood watching as his wizards and Shadow Weaver began to cast the spell that would allow him to once again attack Eternia. The family of Grayskull had to pay. In that battle long ago, Grayskull had weakened him. He was no longer as strong as he once was. He was in truth barely more powerful than Shadow Weaver.

Of course he hide this from everyone. All feared him. But none knew he was truly weak. But he would have his revenge against the family.

Suddenly the Rebels attacked. He-man and She-ra attacked the wizards stopping them from continuing the spell.

Hordak stood at the ready, but no one was interested in attacking him. They just wanted to prevent his returning to Eternia. The Rebels soon returned back to the Whispering Woods.

Adam hugged Adora good-bye. As they released each other, Adam smiled.

"I'll tell them everything. I'm sure they can understand. Just be sure to come home every once in awhile."

"I will I promise."

Adam and Cringer disappeared from sight and returned to Eternia, while Adora went to join the Rebels.

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