"And Madame Razz."

Bow nodded. "We'll need a way to get to Beast Island."

Glimmer smiled. "I know just the person to help us."


King Randor sighed. He had heard the rumors of someone being held captaive in the main prison. The guards had said he was strong. Randor could only hope that it wasn't He-man, but he did. He wanted it to be He-man. He prayed to the Elders that He-man had come to save him.


Madame Razz looked around her and sighed. "I can try."

"That's all we ask, Madame."

Madame Razz nodded at Bow. "Thank you."

So Madame Razz tried to conjure up an air ship. She tried many times, but finally as she and the others almost gave up she succeed. Glimmer, Bow, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, and Battlecat got on board and the ship began to rise in the air.

The group of rescuers were flying closer and closer to Beast Island. Bow steered the air ship as the others looked around them.

Glimmer moved away from the railing and towards Bow. She stood beside him with her brown hair blowing around her. "This seems too easy."

Bow nodded. "I agree. They might know we are coming."

Glimmer nodded. "I don't know how much power I have, but I'll try my best to help us."

Bow took one hand off of the wheel and placed Glimmer's in his. "You do your best. Madame Razz might be able to help."

Glimmer smiled. "She'll try at least."

Madame Razz and broom sat near the mast. Battlecat stood near the rail. Suddenly he roared. Glimmer ran to his side. "We're here. We made it!"

Suddenly a whooshing sounding could be heard. Glimmer looked out ahead of them. "Flyers!"

Horde Flyers came toward the air ship. Bow tried to out maneuver them, but they the Flyers were faster. One of the Flyers attacked the ship; the ship began to fall from the sky.


He-man tested the chains around his arms and legs. Not even his strength could free him. He sighed as the cell door opened again. But instead of Adora, it was a woman wearing a cloaked gown. The hood of the cloak hung over her face hiding it from view.

The woman moved closer to him and the door shut. "So you are He-man."

He-man watched as she began to pace. "You know who I am, but I don't know who you are."

The woman laughed at him. "Ah, yes. I am called Shadow Weaver."

He-man nodded. "So why are you here?"

She stopped walking and turned to face him. "I'm here to ask you some questions."

He-man closed his eyes. "You can ask, but it doesn't mean I will answer them."

Shadow Weaver's head nodded. "Very well. Why have you come to Etheria?"

"I came to return the King of Eternia to his throne."

"Ah, yes. King Randor. He is not in this prison. Hordak has moved him. He is now inside Despondos."

"This world is not inside Despondos?"


"King Grayskull died for nothing."

"So you know of him. It would seem so. He saved his world, but damned another."

"What are you really after?"

"Ah, straight to the point. Well, He-man, I want to know how you have his power."

"What do you mean?"

"Hordak felt his power from your sword. So how to do have it?"

"I told you. You could ask, but didn't mean I would answer."

Shadow Weaver moved towards him. "I believe you will answer." She began to cast a spell to force him to answer. But as the spell got near him, it refused to go any further. "What?"

"I think your spell isn't going to work."

Shadow Weaver left He-man in his cell. Thinking over what he had said.


Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Kowl, Broom, and Battlecat woke up from landing on Beast Island. They looked around them, and slowly made their way towards an entrance to the prison. Bow looked around them.

"Kowl, I think you better go alone. You can hide better than we can. Glimmer is still weak."

Kowl looked at him and sighed. "Fine. But wait here for me."

Bow nodded. "We won't leave."

Kowl flew into the entrance and down the corridor in search of He-man.

He-man sighed. Randor was inside Despondos and he knew he would help to get him out of there. He could only hope Adora had found proof she had been tricked. She was his last hope.

Kowl flew along the corridors watching for Horde Troopers and prison guards. He feared he would never find He-man.

Masters of The Universe (2002) Season 3Where stories live. Discover now