A Perilous Plan

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"Luella? What are you doing?"

Luella gasped and ran towards the newly entered Clarence, whom had returned from his babysitting. She threw herself into his arms, much to the surprise of the latter.

"I'm so sorry!" She wailed, her eyes tearing up. "I would love to go away for a while, with just the two of us, but this requires more of a team...!"

"Luella, please, I didn't mean to cause you any distress-!" Clarence attempted to soothe her tears. "If it means so much to you, then I'll take us to the city on a sightseeing trip. You'll get to see those beautiful sculptures that you like. And no one will run away from you, because I'll make sure everyone sees you just how they see each other..."

"Thank you..." She hugged him, whilst drying her tears. "...I-I, um, I need to pay you back for this, really.

"You don't have to pay me back for anything, Luella," Clarence replied. "You being here in my company is enough."

All of the students eyed each other, all thinking the same thing. Well, minus Dai. He wasn't catching on at all.

"Um, we won't have to...kill anyone, will we?" Ackley shifted around nervously. "I don't want to harm anyone."

"No-! Of course not-!" Clarence started to show signs of panic. "If necessary, we can just knock some guards unconscious."

"Say, Ackley!" Felice suddenly brightened up, a habit of hers when concerning Ackley. "Didn't you say that one of your plants had a habit of making people fall unconscious if they smelt it or something like that?"

"Oh! Yes!" Ackley beamed, growing a small flower from the palm of his hand. "Maybe...maybe if we somehow get this cutie in that place, no one would have to get hurt!"

"What about the air vents?" Dai pointed out. "I'm sure you can grow your little plant in there."

"What about the security cameras?" Red noted. "I'm fairly certain they don't count as human minds. They're machines."

Carlen gestured to the lighting in the room. "Surely if we cut the power-"

"If we cut the power, everyone will be alerted," Clarence explained. "Our best bet is to go into the main generator and cut out a few things, like the alarm and the security cameras. That way, nobody will notice a big power cut like that."

"I hope you aren't counting on me to do all of that," Carlen stretched out his arms and yawned. "Reminder that I can only go to places that I can see or have been before..."

"We can work it out!" Luella exclaimed, still holding Clarence's arm. "Those vents are all joined up, anyways. If we enter through them, we can also go to the main generator on the way to our destination to get rid of the security camera problem!"

"I'll be able to tell you all where to go," Clarence tapped his head, smirking. "I can find out where they keep their spare reactors. Just please don't touch it with your bare hands..."

"Alright, alright." Red was starting to get impatient. "Can we head out now? I'm itching to actually do something for once!"

"Yeah! I've seen the cars you've got in your garage, professor!" Dai headed for the nearby door. "Can we pick which one we go in?! Please?!"

Superhuman: Dawn of PowerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang