Chapter 2~ Reminiscing

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I do NOT own Naruto! Masashi Kishimoto does! I only own Yin Yuki Suzaku and the Suzaku Clan

~~Yin's POV~~

Once again I couldn't sleep so I decided to change into my training cloths and go train in the forest, it's a nice night after all. I love the night.

When I got to a small clearing I found Iruka-sensei using himself as a shield for Naruto while Mizuki stabs him with a giant shuriken!
Iruka-sensei gives a mini speach that made me think of all the times I was saved by the others.

I snapped when Mizuki tells Naruto about being the Jinchūriki and throw some shurikens at him.
I deflects them with my senbons and everyone turns to where I was standing.

"HOW DEAR YOU GO AGAINST MINATO'S LAST WISHES!!!!" I shout and charge at him in full rage.

We clash kunais over and over again. Iruka-sensei and Naruto gawk at the two of us as I jump back a few ft. After throwing a kunai at his feet and begin making the hand signs of 'Ram, Boar, Snake, and Rat' then shouted:
"Ninja Art: Frosted Senbon Rain!" Then a bunch of senbons made of ice and frost formed around me and shot all at once at Mizuki. when he tried to doge, only to find that is feet are frozen to the ground from the kunai I threw at his feet earlier.

After that he fell over with his feet still frozen to the ground, I walked over to Iruka-sensei and Naruto to check on their wounds.

I healed Iruka-sensei's back and some scratches on Naruto's face and was about to leave when Iruka-sensei stopped me.

"Wait!" I turned around to face him, telling him to continue. "How do you know those Jutsus? It's too advance for a Genin to know." Naruto looks to Iruka, then to me, then back to Iruka.
"Not all is what it may seem; even a beautiful rose can be deadly if touched by its thorns." I reply with a mysterious, and haunting voice before a bunch of leaves and snowy winds surround me, carrying me to the lake that's in the forest closer to the academy.

~~Time Skip~~

I got tired of training and decided to go home, change and eat before going to the academy.

I used my shadow clone to keep an eye on Iruka and Naruto from the shadows, just in case. They had a cute 'Father Son' moment before going to Ichiraku Ramen.

I changed from my white long sleeve training top into my usual charcoal coloured shirt that has the left sleeve short and the right sleeve long. I threw on my dark grey shorts that stop just past the knees and re-bandaged my lower legs and upper left arm to hide the scars I got from the First Shinobi World War.
I strapped my shuriken holster to my upper right thigh, chains on my right hip, strapped my pouch on and threw in two bell into it. I also put on my fingerless gloves, that Kushina gave me years ago. I placed my headband over my left eye, which is blue today.

I made French toast with a strawberry smoothie. After my little breakfast I looked over to my clock only to see that I only have about 3 minutes to get to class, so I just teleported there with an icy wind surrounding me.

I appeared in the front of the classroom with an icy chill. Everyone was staring at me but I just ignored them and sat down next to Naruto. I drifted off into my memories yet again before a loud gasp was heard throughout the room, snapping me out of my reminiscing.
I look over to my left only to find Naruto and Sasuke... KISSING! Oh how I want to burst out laughing right this minute but a kunoichi must keep her composure at all times.

Sasuke's fan-girls looked about ready to kill Naruto so I used my Ice to create a wall between them.
They all looked with dagger like glares but I simply said: "you will not. And I mean NOT going to fight while I'm sitting here. I'm not moving either so just deal with the fact you aren't the Uchiha's first kiss, shut your stupid yelling, and let me have some peace and quiet because I have a massive headache because of you all." I demanded in a firm voice.

The Last Contractor of the Heavens (Naruto Fanfic) ~a Shikamaru Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now