"Who's it from?" I ask, fumbling with the volume of the Bluetooth speaker that was currently blaring Lady Gaga.

"Oooh!" She squeals, scooting away from me and hiding my phone screen on her chest.

"Who is it from, you brat?"

"It's from good ol' Scotty Boy! His name has a heart next to it? How sickening."

"Shut up, and give me my phone back." I roll my eyes when she shakes her head, long brown hair swishing. Her smirk only gets wider when I glare at her. "Bitch don't do it..."

She giggles, lifting the phone from her chest. She unlocks it, of course she knows my passcode, and reads aloud: "Hey lil thang, been missing you. Are you free this afternoon?" She pauses, thinking for a split second before blurting out, "I would love to come over and insert my d-"

"STOP!" I screech, pushing her down and swatching my phone from her hands while she cackles at her own joke. "You are such a perv!"

"You love me!"

"No I hate you! You're so gross, oh my God..."

"Tell him he can hang out with us! I really want to talk to him."


M- im with kirst at my place, you want to come watch movies with us or something? (:

He doesn't waste any time replying, I receive the text almost instantly.

Scoot<3- omw ;)

"He's on his way right now!" I declare excitedly, doing a little dance.

Kirstie's face lights up, "Yayyyy! What should we do?"

"A movie night sounds fun, how 'bout it babe?"



It's around 9:00 when my ears perk up to the sound of Scott pulling into my driveway.

"He's here, girls!" My dad yells from downstairs.

I grab her hand as we skid down the wooden stairs in our socks, giggling when she almost falls. I watch as my dad opens the door to a tall angel with blonde hair, towering over my father with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, Mike!" He shakes his hand, his smile only getting wider.

"Hello son, how's it been?"

"It's just gotten better." He says, opening his arms to me.

I practically run into his chest, squashing his slim figure with all of the strength I have in a hug. He pecks a kiss to the top of my ear and Kirstin let's out a loud 'awwwe' from behind us. I see my dad smiling proudly, winking at Scott.

We break apart, the three of us conversing for a few minutes before we decide to pick a movie. We all get situated in the family room, Scott and I on the small two-person couch and Kirstie on my dad's recliner. Scott and Kirstie both want to watch a horror movie, but mama is not here for that.

"Majority wins, Mitchy." Kirst says, poking my cheek as she walks by me. I slap her hand away, scoffing.

"That is so not fair!" I yell.

"I'll hold you, little Mitchy." Scott teases, slipping his arm around my waist.

"You're such a baby!" Kirstie sneers, getting a pillow to the face from yours truly across the gap between us.

"Shut up! I just don't like them, it's not my fault."

My dad sticks his head into the room, smiling at the three of us. "I'm hittin' the hay, does anyone need me to get anything?"

"No, I think we're good, thanks anyways, Mike." Scott replies politely.

"Goodnight, dad!" I wave.

"Night, all!" And with that, he leaves to his room upstairs.

"We're still watching one, so suck it up. What's on Netflix?" Kirstie says, grabbing the remote.

They chose a movie as I flip through my phone, my head resting on Scott's shoulder. I glance up to see the cover of the movie they had just picked.

"Guysss, this looks scary as shiiit!" I whine, pouting my lip out.

"That's the point, dipwad." I hear Kirstie mumble as she wraps herself up in a blanket like a cocoon.

"Shut the hell up."

"Shush, guys, it's starting." Scott giggles, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I can sense his excitement and I'm envious of it. Ugh. Why can't I love these movies, too?


Barely an hour into the movie, I'm already shivering with my face in Scott's chest. A loud noise erupts from the TV's speakers, causing me to jump and let out a tiny scream. I'm practically on top of Scott at this point, clutching onto his shirt for dear life.

He runs his fingers up and down my sides, attempting to calm me. But I, being overly sensitive and ticklish in that spot, let out an uncontrollable giggle. His head snaps down to look at me with a smirk.

"Oh? Is this a thing?" He whispers evily, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Cut it out, cut it out!" I plead as his fingers dance around on my ribs, causing me to burst into laughter.

He flips our positions, pinning my arms down as I desperately try to hit him any way I can. My cackles fill the formally silent house as he tickles me mercilessly, not even stopping to give me a breath of air. Tears fall down to my ears and I start yelling.


"Guys shut up! Jessica's phone just died and she's still running in her heels! Her cliché death is closer than ever!!"

He stops his attack on my sides, much to my relief. I catch my breath, wiping away my tears.

"You ass!" I whisper-yell at him, slapping his arm as he laughs.

"I'm glad I know that you're so ticklish. It has now become my secret weapon."

"If you ever do it again I'll beat you up. Just... kiss me you idiot."

And he leans down to do just that. Our legs tangle together as cheesy, high-pitched screams erupt from the TV. Scott is missing the movie, but he clearly doesn't care what-so-ever. I'm running my hands up his back when I hear Kirstie's voice over the movie.

"So, this is what happens when you turn the lights off with these two on a couch together!"

I open my eyes to her phone's flash lighting up the room, recording us, her arm sticking out from a hole in her cocoon of blankets. I tap Scott's shoulder, and Scott, who was still kissing me passionately, pulls away.

"What is it, Mitchy?" I point over his shoulder and he turns a bit, making Kirstie laugh even harder. When he sees her recording us his face turns red and he pushes himself up, hands on both sides of my head. "Oh."

I giggle a bit and flip off the camera, right before she stops recording. The room goes dark again and Scott buries his face in my neck, embarrassed.

"I'm totally posting this!!" She yells, still laughing hysterically.

"I hate you, Kirstin." I groan, my hands over my eyes.


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