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Jade’s POV

                Liam has been in his room for a couple of hours now, and I’ve become a bit worried. I think he’s a bit upset because Tyler Oakley made a tweet at him that he is confused. I knock on the door gently.

                “Who is it!?” He asks a bit angrily. I laugh a bit; I mean who else would it be. But I still respond, “It’s me babe, you’ve been in here for quite a while. I just wanted to talk.” I say.

                “Come in.” Liam says, and when I do Liam looks a mess. He looks like he’s been crying a bit. I sit by him, “What’s wrong?”

                “I—I tweeted one of the guys from Duck Dynasty, and Tyler tweeted me back and suddenly everyone is jumping at my throat. I don’t understand why though, I’m guessing he said something, but just because I like a show doesn’t mean I agree with everything…” Liam says sadly.

                I hug him and rub his back, “I know babe, no need to get all worked up though. It’ll all blow over, promise.” I reassure him.

                “What if it doesn’t, I don’t want anyone to hate me. I mean, everyone already does, so that wouldn’t make a difference, but still…” Liam says, and that hurt me.

                The fact that Liam does not feel confident about himself has been showing for the last couple of weeks now, and it’s hurtful that he doesn’t see how great he is. Although Liam may make mistakes—which he has, doesn’t mean everyone should turn on him.

                “So management called me and they want me to meet with them. And I don’t know why—I’m kind of scared.” I say faintly.

                Liam immediately grabs my hand, “There is no way they can be mad at you, I mean—you’re perfect. You’re a great singer, you’re polite, and your imagine is incredibly clean. So I guess it’s just a good job kind of meeting.” Liam smiles at me.

                “You really think so?” I ask him, he nods his head fiercely and smiles widely like an adolescent school boy, it’s quite adorable. I smile back and hug him.

                “Are you going to be okay?” I ask him. This time his smile drops a bit and he nods slowly—I know his lying, but there is no way I can help Liam right now.

                I return to the living room and check out Twitter, to see Tyler tweeting that he’s not being mean to Liam, he’s just standing up for what he believes in. Which is great, but the way he’s tweeting, it’s like he’s proud of what he’s caused. I sigh and catch up on TV.

                As I watch more TV, curiosity kills me and I decided to google search Duck Dynasty. I start to read some mean and vile things. The father, of who Liam tweeted, made a couple of “anti-gay” comments, now I see why Tyler is upset. But something then catches my eye.

                Liam Payne of One Direction is Homophobic

                This is clearly untrue, why would these journalist lie like this. I pray that Liam doesn’t see this. As the afternoon turns to night, I decide to just call it a night, especially since I have a meeting with management. Sleep over-takes me and I drift off to a dreamless sleep.

                Hours later, it seems to be the way earlier than the crack of dawn, I hear banging and cursing. I hear Liam and he sounds hurt, and angry. I open my phone to see Liam is making an entire rant on Twitter, he has gone berserk! I quickly drop my phone and run to Liam’s room. I don’t even bother knocking, I open the door to see a whole in the wall, a shattered mirror, and Liam bruised and bloody knuckles.

The Start of Something New: Jade Thirlwall & Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now