
And my personal fav

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And my personal fav


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Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


They arrived home thirty minutes ago and Scott was already apologizing his ass off, doing anything and everything for Mitch. Making him some lunch, making coffee, bringing him fuzzy blankets, putting in a movie, massaging his shoulders, etc.

Mitch got him to calm down a little bit and Scott to sit down and watch the movie with him, cuddling obviously.

"I'm so sorry". Scott muttered.

"It's okay Scottie".

"I left".

"I know you did".

"I almost smoked again".

"I assumed".

"But I didn't".


"Your voice was in the back of my head, nagging at me".

"Always my intention".

"Then you got hurt".

"He pushed me".

"And called you names".

"I'm fine".

"Your not mad at me"?

"No, Scottie".

"Yes you are".

"No I'm not".

"Yes, baby. Please, I'm sorry".

Mitch sighed, "I'm not mad, honey. Just watch the movie".

Scott bit his lip and, after thinking about it for awhile, nodded his head, turning his attention to the screen.

Scott's thoughts still swam in his head though. Thoughts like,

It's my fault.

I could've gotten there faster.

I shouldn't have left in the first place.

What if we break up?

What if he stays mad at me forever?

But why would he be mad?

He told me I didn't protect him, even after I've always tried my best to keep him safe, I failed my job.

I had a right to be upset, right? What he said hurt and the words keep playing in my head over and over again.

I know it sounds silly and that I'm just butt hurt and need to get over it, but what I feel can never be wrong. I feel hurt. And that's not wrong...... right?

I don't know, maybe I'm over exaggerating.

Mitch's fingers snapped in front of Scott's face. "Scott, honey".

Scott shook his head and locked his eyes with a worried pair of chocolate brown ones.

"Are you okay, baby"? Mitch asked.

Scott nodded. "Yeah".

Mitch bit his lip and looked down, he knew Scott wasn't fine, why won't Scott just talk to him?

Scott noticed and was quick to reassure him.

"Really, Angel. I'm fine don't worry about me".

Mitch looked back up, "But I do worry about you. Of course I worry about you. I love you".

"I love you too, baby".

"Then tell me what's going on".

Scott chewed on his bottom lip, choosing his words carefully. "..... What you said hurt. I've always tried my best to protect you, even more after Chris showed up, and..... it's like.... my biggest fear is you being hurt... and.... I don't know... it's like you told me.... ugh I don't know, I'm sorry".

Mitch shook his head. "Don't be sorry. I get it. It's like I told you to your face, your biggest fear is reality".

Scott gave a soft smile, Mitch always  understood. He nodded his head, "Yeah". Scott whispered.

Mitch sighed, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have.... I shouldn't have said that. You do protect me. Always. I was angry. You wouldn't even let me go to the bathroom alone and I felt babied. God..... I'm sorry".

"Don't be. I should be sorry. I was the one babying you. I was the one who left. I was the one standing outside while Chris was harassing you, I let you down. I let him hurt you. I can tell what he said to you is getting inside your brain. And you think you're hiding it but your not. You should know by now, I can read you like the back of my hand".

Mitch nodded, slowly. "Yeah, I should've known I wasn't fooling you".

Scott could tell the second Mitch let his guard down. Mitch's eyes became overflowing with sadness, his voice lowered to a whisper, his gaze was looking down instead of up at Scott.

"You know none of that is true, baby girl".

"I just......  sometimes I wonder if I will ever be happy with myself. I worry that if I can't be happy with myself, then nobody will ever be happy with me, and that just makes me even more paranoid. It's a cycle, insecurity, unconfident, and diffidence, it's all a cycle and it's destroying me".

Scott shook his head, reaching up to wipe the small tears that have fallen down Mitch's face. "Baby, you make me so happy. I'm happier than I've ever been with you. With you, I'm smiling like a maniac and laughing at stupid jokes you tell me. With you, I'm falling harder every. single. day. With you, my kisses never go to waste. With you, I love you so much it physically and mentally hurts. With you, my brain is scattered because all I can focus on is your beauty. With you, I can never keep up with how talented, gorgeous, and smart you are. With you, not a second goes to waste", Scott grabbed Mitch's hands and looked into his eyes, pecking him softly on the lips before pulling away, "But.... it's only with you. No one can ever make me feel the way you do. Just you, babygirl. Only with you".

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