Camila's dress was this eggshell white lace mermaid style dress with some puff in the bottom. Her bridesmaid dresses where a glittery rose gold with white rose bouquets. Lauren was going to be wearing an all black suit with a black Bralette underneath. Her groomsmen were all going to be in black suits with white undershirts and bow ties. The cake was 5 tier white and rose gold color with edible roses all around. The arch was covered in light pink, light orange and white roses, it had white silk cloths draped down and a chandelier in the center along with rose covered vases on each side, and a white carpet leading up to it.

Ally and Will's son Noah was a little too young to actually be able to participate in the wedding and considering he is just learning to walk putting him in anything white was a bad idea. It is still winter and the ceremony was going to be outside she opted to dressing him in something more comfortable and warm. He was in a red,grey and black flannel, and over it he had a grey cardigan, some Levi's and light brown snow boots. Meanwhile Faith was in a puffy white flower girls dress, her little blonde hair was up in a braid/ bun type of thing and had a couple loose stands. She had a bouquet of white flowers.

Ally and Will both being a part of the wedding were dressing in they're designated wedding attire, along with Dinah and Normani

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Ally and Will both being a part of the wedding were dressing in they're designated wedding attire, along with Dinah and Normani. Stefan along with Noah was still to young to be in the wedding so Normani opted to dressing him in a blue button down shirt and red slacks with brown baby dress shoes. His eyes looked especially light today just like his aunt lolo. Melanie was another flower girl but she was in a glittery white dress with brown high top sandals, her hair was in her natural black curls and to top it off she had a flower crown. You would think both flower girls would have matching dresses but faith and Melanie both had very different styles. Plus faith thought the glitter was itchy. Melanie thought it made her look "hella cute". So Clara and sinu let them choose their own dresses as long as they were both white.


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Lauren was staring at herself in the mirror fixing the collar on her jacket. She really did look good. She was going for that Angelina Jolie look and she might of got it.

"Wow you clean up nice." Dinah said as she walked up to Lauren and handed her a drink. Lauren's favorite to be exact, which was jack and coke.

"Thanks, so do you. For someone who got shit faced only a few hours ago you don't look that bad DJ." She complimented the blond girl.

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