Chapter 42: Really Ryan?

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"He's a temporary substitute—" Reece began

"Yeah," Ryan said, disrespectfully licking his ice cream cone, "I'm a temp..."

I palmed my face and waited for something terrible to happen.

"Uh huh... well, if I find it you're in any way impersonating a real teacher, and god I hope I do, I'll be forced to—"

"I appreciate the fact you recognized my youthful glow, but I have my driver's license in my wallet, and my many degrees in picture frames, so if you'd like to move on now that'd be wonderful!"

Ryan took sassy to the extreme. I'm pretty sure no one had ever talked to our assistant principal like that, and he didn't know how to respond. Reece and I stood In silence as we watched him walk out of the classroom.

Ryan pulled the door closed and it shut with a loud bang.

"Dude what's a matter with you? Are you trying to get fired on the first day?!"

"Considering I don't want to teach here... I'd be ok with that," Ryan stated, glancing over at me, "there are fries in the bag and the milkshake is for you..."

"Thanks..." I said suspiciously

"Don't worry," he smirked, "its vanilla, I swear... I didn't have time to put in any added flavors—"

"You know, you almost got me in serious trouble, making me go get that drink for you—"

"Where is that by the way?"

"It's on your desk..."

"Oh, thanks!"

Ryan walked over to his chair and sat down. Totally unconcerned with everything I just said.

"So how's everyone been since I left?"

"Jen and I have been good," Reece explained, "our wedding is soon... you should come!"

"I'll definitely be there," he smiled, looking over at me, "what about you and Colin?"

"We've been great... Reece has been living with Jen, and Colin has been taking Reece's place at my house from time to time so I'm not lonely"

"Ahh, finally moving in together," he said, propping his feet up on the desk, "how romantic—"

"Why are you acting like we're friends again all of a sudden?"

"When were we ever not friends?" Ryan asked with a genuinely confused look on his face.

"The moment you told me I had to earn the right to call you by your first name..."

"Aww, I was just kidding Savannah," he frowned, "can't you take a joke?"

"It wasn't funny..."

Ryan broke eye contact with me and looked down...

"Listen, anything I say about you, or to you during class, is more than likely me just fooling around. If I hurt your feelings I truly didn't mean to..."

I looked down at the floor and my thoughts were interrupted by the end of lunch bell. Reece and I found our seats in the classroom again and watched everyone pile in one by one. Once everyone got inside, Ryan got up to shut the door again.

"Mr. O'Donoghue, can you tell us more about your kids?"

"Depends... What do you wanna know?"

How much did I miss when I was gone?

"How old are they?"

I never thought to ask him that...

"Four and two"


"Ella and Grace"

All the girls in the class began swooning. It was pretty adorable though, so I didn't blame them. Ryan's face flushed as he walked back to his desk.

"What about your wife?"

"What wife?" Ryan said innocently.

Everyone let out a slight chuckle.

"Oh! You're talking about the witch who I just happened to procreate with... Yeah, she sucks"

"Pun intended?" Reece added

Ryan pointed in his direction, "you know it!"

Ryan's 'sense of humor' was starting to rub off on Reece. I prayed this temporary substitute thing wasn't going to last long.

"Can I stay after school today?" Hannah asked, "I have a test in here I need to retake"

"Sure, if I can find a copy you're more than welcome to stay"

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