Chapter 34

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You heard the distinct sound of a commotion occur outside of the door.

You heard screams of rage, and a sound that sounded like some form of liquid hitting the ground.

You were utterly confused and your muddled memories were of no help to you.

Suddenly the door opened, and since you were terrified of what would happen next you turned your head away from the door and squeezed your eyes shut, mentally willing whoever had opened the door to go away.

You could feel the presence of two people very near to you, and suddenly you felt something wet fall onto your face.

"(Name), I'm so sorry" a voice spoke, sounding frail and raspy as if the person speaking were crying.

Hesitantly you opened your eyes to be met with the faces of A boy around your age, and a little boy no older than seven.

You examined the mans face and saw that he was crying but you didn't understand why, you then examined the rest of his body, and although it was quite dark you could clearly see the red substance that soaked through his clothes.

That wierd liquid like sound you had heard earlier had been someone's blood hitting the ground.

This man in front of you had killed someone, which to your confused mind meant that he was a threat to your wellbeing.

The man must have seen the panicked look in your eyes because he immediately put his hands over you mouth before you could scream.

"(Name), listen to me" he said

But you only stared at him in more confusion, who was he talking to? Who was (name)?

Could this guy see ghosts or something.

Either way all you wanted was to get out of here and find out who you were.

You began to thrash against your restraints, as the man and the little boy tried THIER best to keep you laying still and calm.

"Mommy please calm down" the little boy pleased with small tears gathering in his eyes.

Why was this little boy calling you mommy.

The more you strained against your handcuff restraints the more your vision faded to white until you saw a familiar scene.

All you could see now was your self, sitting in a room that looked at lot like a basement with an not so very appetizing half of a sandwich in your lap, the man who was currently trying to calm you down appeared and then your vision turned back to normal.

You suddenly gave up on struggling much to the relief of the man and the little boy.

But no you only had more questions.

When did that happen?

Who are that man an little boy and how did you know them?

And most importantly what the hell was going on?
You people must have really wanted and update so here you go . ^~^

We all go a little mad sometimes (Kaneki ken x reader)Where stories live. Discover now