Chapter 28

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You woke up the next morning with tear stains on your face and Kaneki's arms around you.

The last thing you recalled from last night was crying about your past with Uta..... but for some reason you felt as though there was something else you were supposed to be remembering.

You do remember that Kaneki had talked to him about something of the 'utmost importance' but couldn't figure out why you didn't know exactly what that was.

You shrugged Kaneki's arms off of you and proceeded to the bathroom where you brushed your teeth while in deep thought.

Eventually, you decided that you'd just have to ask Kaneki what they had discussed later when he woke up.

For now, you thought it would be nice to wake up Kaede and eat breakfast together.

You walked back into the room you and Kaneki shared and shook Kaede awake.

Kaede was currently sleeping in your room until you and Kaneki had time to go shopping for furniture to go into his room.

You had agreed to go shopping today, but that was before Uta came and said whatever he had wanted to say.... Not to mention bring up some uneasy feelings.

You sighed softly, and ran your fingers through your hair, life would never be easy , having a ghoul boyfriend, an overprotective best friend, a hyperactive son , and a tendency to get kidnapped randomly were not a good combination at all.

But, for now you'll have to deal will it.


I wrote a short ass chapter, sorry, but Mystic Messenger has been taking over my life and school isn't helping my already full schedule.

I'm sorry for not updating but Zen needed me or his precious ego would've been hurt....

I'll update more later cause I literally just got a new chat from the app, so byeeeeeeeee

We all go a little mad sometimes (Kaneki ken x reader)Where stories live. Discover now