Chapter 3

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You woke up, still in the same blank room as before.

But this time you noticed your stuff was gone, and so was the sandwich.

You were really starting to regret saying all of those rude things to your kidnapper.

As much as you hated to admit it  you were getting pretty hungry, and you knew he was the only way you'd receive food.

Your stomach growled loudly and you sighed, laying back down onto the surprisingly comfortable bed.

You were grateful that the room you were in was actually clean, and that you actually even had a bed in this room.

Other kidnappers would've Locked you to the wall of a basement some where.

Then again, most kidnappers didn't kidnap people to feed off of them.

'Don't fool yourself' you thought ' the only reason    This room as actually suitable to live in is because he doesn't want food that's in bad condition'

Well if he wanted you to not die, he had better bring you some food, and soon .

It felt as if your stomach were trying to eat itself.

You groaned, you had always hated being dependent on others.

You didn't like the fact that wether you lived or died all depended on the antics of one person.

You hated not being able to do anything about your current situation just as much.

Feeling helpless wasn't your thing.

But you sighed and acknowledged that stubbornness and willpower weren't going to help get you out of here.

First you had to figure out where 'here' was.

For al you know he could've taken you underground, or on a remote island far from the city.

Escaping wasn't your only priority, you needed help too.

There'd be no point in escaping only to find that there was no one around to help you.

Since you were alone, and bored out of your mind you decided to test your handcuffs, to see if you could figure out how to move your hands in a comfortable manner.

It took forever but you finally managed.

The door started to open and you couldn't help but let out a frustrated 'finally' to which he annoyingly responded with a 'miss me' which caused you to scoff.

"Why would I ever miss my kidnapper"

"Hmm..let's see because your kidnapper is the only one who can bring you food."

Your ears perked up at the word.

Food sounded great right now.

He laughed at your weird actions, and threw you another sandwich.

You glared at him sharply for once again throwing it, plus laughing at you, but it only lasted a half a second because you were already opening the package to the sandwich.

You mentally praised yourself for practicing with your handcuffs earlier, because if you hadn't, you most likely wouldn't have been able to eat right now.

The sandwich wasn't bad, it was bland and had no flavor but you didn't have time to be picky.

You ate only half of it, because you didn't know when he was going to feed you again.

He was a kidnapper, after all.

"You weren't as hungry as I expected you to be"

You just rolled your eyes at his comment, even though you were still hungry.

Now, you just needed to work up the nerve to ask for a shower, because being dirty was not something you liked.

But you figured that would have to wait, as much as it pained you, he had already done one nice thing today by feeding you, and you didn't want to push your luck.

"Well my job is done here" you heard him mumble before he got up and headed for the door.

You were just about to call out 'wait!' When he turned around and said "one last thing" and threw a water bottle flying toward your face.

Luckily you had time to move so it hit your pillow instead of you, and even though he had already left the room, you couldn't help but glare at the door he had just left from.

And of course mutter incoherent things about your mysterious kidnapper not having manners.

We all go a little mad sometimes (Kaneki ken x reader)Where stories live. Discover now