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So it's 12:00 am exactly where I am, which means it's my birthday so here's a little fluff for your life as my gift.

Your bed was truly heaven.

It was the softest thing you've ever laid on.

If you had a choice it would be where you wanted to die.

Who could complain about death when it happened on such an amazing creation?

Unfortunately though, your white haired companion had decided to pull you away from your heaven, and into reality.

As you woke up you groaned, it was way to early in the morning for whatever Kaneki wanted.

"Go away" you mumbled sleepily as you turned over, and pulled the blankets back over your head comfortably.

"No" Kaneki said simply, and grabbed the blankets once again.

Unfortunately for him, you didn't care less if he had taken the blankets, you simply curled up into a ball, and continues to sleep peacefully.

"(Name) you need to get up" Kaneki said in his deep voice.

"Nope" you said back to him

"(Name) come on" he stated loudly, and in a slightly whiny tone of voice.

"Can I get five more minutes" (I ain't really tripping off school, let's get it. *tries and fails to dab*) you say back sleepily

"no chance in hell" he said seriously "now get up and get dressed, we have stuff to do today"

"Ughhhh! I don't wanna!" You pouted and put the pillow over your head to silence Kaneki and his bantering.

The next thing you know, you are being carried downstairs and sat in front of a plate of pancakes that read "happy birthday" in syrup on them.

"Happy birthday,mommy" Kaede said while running up to you and hugging you.

Holy shit. How did you forget about your own birthday.

"Thank you, sweetie" you said while smiling.

"Thank you too" you said to Kaneki before kissing him on the cheek "I'll be right back I need to brush my teeth."

Your little family was so sweet to you that day, you could've gotten a cavity.

You loved every second of it though.

And thus ended the story of your birthday.

We all go a little mad sometimes (Kaneki ken x reader)Where stories live. Discover now