Chapter 13

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Your eyes widened when you heard those three words come out of his mouth.

(There's only 1 thing 2 say 3 words 4 you..... I love you. Sorry that song just randomly popped into my head when I wrote that, anyways back to the story)

He loved you and he admitted it.

He looked away from you bashfully at your lack of response.

And in that instance you closed the small gap that had formed between you by hugging him and resting Your head on his chest.

"I love you too" you said quietly but loud enough for him to hear you.

You then blushed as you felt him kiss the top of your forehead.

"Your so adorable when you blush" he commented softly and you just rolled your eyes while playfully shoving him away.

"Can we stop the cheesiness now, I think I've become a nacho chip because I'm being drowned in it." You said

He only laughed at you, which caused you to push him into the water that was only about a foot away.

He fell in, quite ungracefully, and his stark white hair got plastered to his forehead.

"You're gonna pay for that" he said before leaping towards you and grabbing your ankle trying to pull you in.

You laughed and tried to run but ended up falling on the sand.

"You'll never take me Aliveeeeeeeee!" You yelled and then the next thing you knew you were in the water.

"Asshole!" You yelled while laughing

"Dumbass" he retorted



"I am not, you freaking Bi-Polar-Bear!"

"Since when was being called a polar bear an insult" he questioned while chuckling at your now red face.

" s-shut up! It was the first thing that popped into my head!"

He lightly flicked your forehead before calling you a Baka and then turning to stare at the sky.

"Look there's you in the sky" Kaneki said while pointing to a giant blob of a cloud.

You elbow him in the ribs.

"What kind of boyfriend compares their girlfriend to a giant blob" you said

He raised an eyebrow "oh, so we're dating? I thought it was the guys responsibility to establish the status of the relationship"

Damn it. That stupid mouth of yours just couldn't stop spewing out your thoughts.

"Just go with the flow" you said while going under the water and beginning to swim.

(Kaneki pov)
She went under water and I sat and watched her swim.

I have to admit when I first kidnapped her it was only because I wanted food.

Maybe Tsukiyama had influenced me with his weird antics, but her scent just drew me in.

She smelled like a four course Italian dish. Rich and full of flavor.

So I watched her, and memorized her daily schedule and then I kidnapped her.

I hated her guts for the first two days and I was really tempted to just eat her, but then I realized what I had done to her.

I had taken away her freedom.

And so I went around her more often, to keep her company so that she wouldn't die of boredom.

But soon she became a place of comfort for me, she was who I'd go visit when I had a bad day, and then I realized that I loved her.

(Meiko pov)
Shinkawa beach.

(I just randomly made up a beach name so yeah)

The place where me and (Your name) spent most of our time as children.

My mom would go pick her up and bring us both here with a bag full of snacks.

One time my dad tried to fish here and got the hook stuck on his pants and nearly rip them.

It was a place of good memories and only good memories.

And that was exactly what I needed right now.

(Your name) hadn't been heard from in awhile and I was almost tempted to give up.

Me and hide now had something else in common now.

We had both lost our best friends.

And neither of us would ever stop looking.

We all go a little mad sometimes (Kaneki ken x reader)Where stories live. Discover now