Chapter 26

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Holy shit! We went from 6k about a month ago and now we're at 9. I love you guys :3.
"Boo" a voice said monotonously as you opened the door.

"Why the hell are you here" you sneered as you glared pointedly at your ex much as you'd hat to admit it, he looked good. His black hair was just like you remembered it, and his many tattoos were showing out of his leather jacket sleeves.

"Simple, I want you back." He answered shortly his red eyes boring into yours

"That's not a proper answer Uta, and we both know it" you said back to him.

"Listen (Name) we both know I'm way to lazy and stubborn to ever stalk you and try to win your heart, think about it, how the hell would I even know where to find you, I came to speak with Kaneki, is he here?" Uta said in his usual monotone voice.

Your face turned scarlet, )even though you wished it wouldn't) once you realized he actually had a point.

"How do you know Kaneki?" You questioned

"Ghouls don't tend to stay far from each other" he answered simply with a small smirk.

Reluctantly you opened the door wider and let him in.

"Sit on the couch, I'll go get Kaneki" you said tiredly.

You swiftly turned your back on Uta who you knew was looking at the wall blankly, in a way that meant that he was smirking in triumph on the inside.

Ignore your feelings you walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door grimly.

Whatever caused Uta to come out of his shop and leave all of his snacks was something important.

And in the world of ghouls, or in anything your entire life, important was never good, and it never would be...
Looks like reader-Chan has some history •~•

We all go a little mad sometimes (Kaneki ken x reader)Where stories live. Discover now